2024 Vision Jet aircraft manual?

Is there an aircraft manual for the 2024 Vision Jet somewhere?

I’m specifically wanting to geek out over the AutoThrottle, AutoPilot, and AP/VNAV procedures.


The 2024 VisionJet is developed by FlightFX and there is a link on their website for downloading the SF50 Manual :+1:

Thanks; but that link is only for the MSFS 2020 version.

The FFX discord plainly says:

For all questions, support requests, or discussions regarding the Microsoft Vision Jet in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 (2024 version), please visit the official MSFS forums: :point_right: Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums. This channel is dedicated to discussions and support for the FlightFX Vision Jet. Please note that any support requests for the Micirosoft Vision Jet posted here will be ignored.:airplane:

So…for some reason, FFX isn’t touching the Vision Jet portrayed in MSFS 2024 with a 10 foot pole.

Which is why I’m here. :smiley:

There is no 2024 manual. Even in the 2020 manual, which is for a more complex model, the info is basic. Do you have any specific questions?

Oh… Is the 2020 version better than the 2024 version?
Is it still for sale?

It appears that they’re taking the same attitude as Aeroplane Heaven.

They built the thing, but they consider it Microsoft’s to support.

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Hmm…I’ve not flown the VJ before, so I’m not quite sure what questions I have yet. (I do own the FFX HondaJet for MSFS2020 and have flown that a lot.)

I mean, I’m sure that hand-flying and basic autopilot stuff probably works like I’d expect it to, but sometimes I’m interested in the most automated flight I can get, so my questions would revolve around that aspect of it.

So let’s see: I guess I’m wondering about:

  1. Is there a toga button? If so, are there specific procedures or do I just push it before rolling and keep my hand off the physical throttle?
  2. Do autothrottle and vnav work, if so when best to engage them and/or in what sequence?
  3. When to use fsc and when to use vs?
  4. Best way to descend and approach (using vnav and AT)?

More “subjective” would be: how to get a smooth landing…any tricks/hints?

Thanks for indulging my longwinded reply! :smiley:

I don’t own the 2020 version, so I don’t know the answer to that.

No idea; I’m sure the real answer is only known by a select few, and they’ve apparently decided to not share that answer…so all we can do is guess.

But I have too many IRL issues to worry about, so…I’m not gonna bother guessing about this one. :joy:

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There is a TOGA button, very very small on the left side of throttle. IRL the toga is under the throttle, and the little button is actually AT disconnect. But they did it in the sim like this for click access I presume. FYI toga doesn’t exactly work in conjunction with AT. Will write a bit more on that below.


In more detail there are a couple ways you can approach takeoff… your automated way or hand flying for a bit after takeoff. For the automated way before takeoff you want to set altitude to 28000. Assuming you’re lined up on the runway, select heading knob and push sync it to current heading. Flaps 50% trim +4° arm AT. When you are ready hit the TOGA button (I have it mapped “autothrottle to GA” the same button I use for afterburner and you can actually enable it before taxi) and go full throttle. Toga doesn’t move the throttle, only allows 100% takeoff thrust if autothrottle is engaged and I believe some pitch optimizing adjustments to the FD. At 85kts rotate. Gear up at the end of the runway or postive climb rate if the runway is super long. At 115kts flaps up, then at RA 500 feet throttle back to notch and engage autopilot… since AT is armed this will automatically engage the autothrottle as well. Deactivate toga by enabling hdg mode and V/S and set it to +1600. Now you should be on the same heading track as the runway direction, climbing at 1600 fpm and your speed should be increasing to 165kts (you can set the bug on pfd home). When everything looks good and ATC announces you are leaving their airspace frequency you can turn the heading bug around (blue line on map) so that it intersects the magenta flightplan without flying back over the airport. Hit Nav to Arm the FMS. Keep climbing via V/S at +1600 and when you cross the flight path the FMS annunicator will turn green and you will follow your flightplan. Now when you are following the flightplan you can hit FLC as this will find the optimal climb rate at your currently changing altitude while maintaining 165kts. If you’re flying out of higher elevation airports then you may want to switch from v/s to FLC earlier in the climb phase. Just monitor the acceleration if it struggles to achieve 165kts at +1600fpm or you’re losing speed then enbale FLC.

When you reach FL280 you will level off and the plane’s speed will slowly climb to its maximun mach speed based on weight.

Now for vnav… go to the mfd flightplan page… go to proc if you haven’t already. Load and activate an approach with a transition (for examle an iaf, check the charts for the best iaf if there are several). This will give you a vnav waypoint, usually iaf. Take the faf alt constraint and adjust the alt selector knob to it and select VNAV next to it, for RNAV approaches select 3-400 ft above runway alt. This will arm PATH on your annunciator. Now you can track time to TOD by going to the vnav page of your flightplan under mfd home. There will be an alert 1min before TOD and then when you reach it… path will activate and you will begin to descend with AT controlling your descent speed. At this time I usually fill in some waypoint speed constraints in the flightplan. I think procedure calls for 140kts at iaf and vref+10 (about 105) at faf but I like to get on with it a bit faster so I set the iaf waypoint to 210 (180 if there is a waypoint inbetween iaf and faf) and faf to 150. It slows beforehand to cross the waypoint at that speed, flaps 50% at 180kts then between iaf and faf if doing ILS/RNP I hit appr to arm loc/gs. When I capture the glideslope I lower gear and switch AT from fms to man and select 95kts. 100% flaps when I cross 115kts. At 400 RA, AP/AT disconnects automatically so you have to hand fly the last bit. Look at the SVT on the PFD and keep the green reticle (FPM) on the touchdown markers and it will adjust for crosswind, aoa, speed etc. It is also great when you are not doing a precision approach and are on final with vs… you can adjust the vs between -500, -600, -700 etc… keeping the green reticle on the landing zone will automatically give you a nice glideslope. IRL when you touchdown don’t idle back first. You want to brake with engine thrust to prevent it from popping a wheelie. Then when you’ve slowed down to under 50 you can idle back.

Back to hand flying the takeoff… you’re only supposed to use max thrust for 2 minutes, max 5 minutes… so what I will do is before I start rolling I will use the timer on the pfd home, without AT armed. Start it, hit toga, then full throttle. After takeoff flaps/gear up, I hand fly for 2 minutes then deactivate toga by pressing the button again, and reduce the throttle a bit, locate the magenta line manually, enable AP and select NAV (FMS should be green), vs +1600. When I see the speed start to drop below 165, I then move throttle back to notch and engage AT and FLC to manage the best climb rate at 165kts. So I would answer your question with that you use v/s at lower altitudes when you want precision fpm and flc at higher levels when you want to maintain specific speeds.

  • Is it correct that the Checklists are not functioning in the 2024 version of the Vision Jet?
  • Is it possible to get the Charts displayed on the right split view of the PFD?

I don’t know if charts function at all but what you would do is split the pfd, then go to the mfd home touchscreen and use the top outer knob to select the left pane then use the mfd home to select the screen you want to appear in the pfd split.

The checklists work, left click and hold the wheel on the dashboard console and right click through the pages. You can manage the pages by selecting the pane with the same mfd knob as I described above and using the mfd home checklist menu.


This is amazing, thank you for spending the time to write this up! Definitely going to help me; and I’m defiantly going to have to do some practicing. :smiley:

I am loving this jet in MSFS 2024 careers; one question is why can’t we select transition altitude in the G3000 for this aircraft, particularly since it does have VNAV and auto-throttle capabilities.

have you looked under the VNAV page in Flightplan? I think I found it under the climb/descent settings.

Very helpful. I’ve tried following this procedure however and AT doesn’t activate when enabling the AP?

Yeah but you can’t change it.

I’ve still been unable to get the checklist to work in the 2024 version. To be clear, has anyone gotten it working in the 2024 MS version? It works fine for me in the 2020 FlightFX version, but in 2024 I can get just a blank checklist to open when I press the scroll wheel button, and I can’t find the checklist as an entry on the touch controllers anywhere either.

Correct, same here - it does NOT work in MSFS 2024. Same with charts – show as unavailable.

I read above in this thread that FlightFX isn’t supporting this version, since MSFS 2024 has it as default. Not sure the validity, but seems like it as I haven’t heard a thing about any fixes to the bugs.

Charts work fine for me, but that’s up to Navigraph not the sim or the plane so if they aren’t working for you, check that side.