2080Ti and PSU

Would appreciate your views on just one problem, please. 2080Ti crashing:

I either get black screen death and/or graphic card problem message in MSFX. I upgrade my PC (mobo+cpu) which I was going to do anyway and the problem has not gone away. Usually dying around 77deg in MSFS. I’ve never OCs the card. I downloaded MSI and increased the fan speed to 90% thought that would do it. I was flying with no problems in PMDG 737 for over one hour. The temp did not go above 67deg but it again crashed.

To help me elliminate what might be the cause, my question is this. If I’ve been flying for that length of time could it really be a problem with the PSU?

I do think it’s my 2 year old graphics card. I do have the latest drivers installed.



To evaluate this it could be a help to know what psu you are using.

PSU problems can manifest over time, as usually their performance gradually degrades over several years. Usually PSU issues manifest as random shutdowns and restarts. I don’t think this is a PSU issue.

What you’re describing can be attributed to a faulty GPU. Reseating the GPU and replugging in the PCIe power cables to the GPU is a good place to start.

Cougar GX-S 750W 80 Plus Gold

Asus TUF Gaming B560M-Plus WiFimobo
Intel i9-11900k
32G Corsair Vengence

This has been over a month. After not getting anyware I removed the back of the card and cleaned the interface between the cooling and proccessor. It looked pretty shoddy. I put thermal paste on and re-assembled. Seemed to work for a short while then the problem returned.

That should be enough so maybe your 2080 is faulty.

I got this with my (premium brand) 980ti 3 years ago. It become unstable, desktop was fine, demanding games not, some benchmarks run others not. It took me a while to believe that it was the card and tried many before I accepted this.

Have you tried such tests?

At the end I sold it as defective and get another one.

If the card is still under warranty I would RMA it.

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we need to disctint… we have a huge topic about the popup what I assume you see: Warning: Your graphics device has encountered a problem

In each (except bsod) case you should see an error message within the windows event log. Can you please check ?

More intressting is “black screen”. You mean a BSOD ( pc reboots ? ) or did “only” msfs window “go black” ?

For me the temps of gpu and also the PSU looks fine ( I own 2080ti with a 750w too , and really years old - its very rare if not a myth that 10years old psu can not deliver the same power. What can happen is, that e.g. some capaitors goes defect or bad , and so the quality of the voltage goes bad… but really, we speak then about 3…4 pc generations ). Its the same myth that thermal paste needs to be renewed after 2 years.

Also be aware that other reasons can cause that, e.g. RAM XMP mode, CPU , etc…

Since I increased the fan speed the problem is only with MSFS, just been playing DRR2 for a couple of hours maxed out and no problems there. Weird

So this was a pre-existing problem before you upgraded. Have you tried the obvious an simple thing like ensuring all hardware drivers are up to date, same windows and the MS store?
Tried closing down all other background tasks?
Emptied/disabled the community folder?

as mentioned, check the other parts too… in special do a test with disabled XMP profiles.