Pls help me to reach steady 30 fps
What Screen Rez?
What Settings?
Render Scale slider?
We can start with those
High settings
Renderscale 100
32gb ram
At what location in the world? With what airplane? In cockpit or outside?
ok, you should definitely being at least 30 as I have an RTX 2070 and my frames are locked at 34 and almost never dip below. Let me take a couple of screenshots and I’ll be back to you shortly
Can you Share your settings. i have too a 2070 but inside Cockpit of an airliner at JFK the fps drop under 20fps and some big stutter
you are CPU bottleneck. This is the case for everyone ho runs 1440p or higher.
Ok, here we go…
System Specs:
asrock z390 phantom gaming mobo
I7-9700k @ 4.9 GHz
32 GB Ram
Geforce RTX 2070 running 1440p Acer monitor
FS is on dedicated 500gb M.2
Internet download speed average 450 Mbps
I use MSI Afterburner to slightly overclock my GPU but mainly for watching stats. With your 2080 you still would have more power than my 2070 with it’s slight overclock. I also lock my frames to 34 and it runs butter smooth. You can see the GPU utilization. On the top line (GPU) those are Tempurature/Utilization/Fan Speed. Some samples in flight…
The area I’m flying in is Santa Barbara, CA. The airport is the addon by Orbx and it’s photogrammetry around the airport.
These are .jpg images so they don’t look as good as in the sim.
Plz if you have time take a look at this , best information I have found.
Give me just some tricks
That looks soo good
I think the Object level of Detail is killing your FPS. I run at 100. Try reducing that from your 200 in steps and then see if you are happy with how that affects the look. You could also try reducing and other settings at Ultra to high, one by one. At anything above 1080, its really a ■■■■ and see - even with an i9-9900k OC at 5.2 Ghz. And yes you are CPU bound. Hope that might help
HT on or off?
I have in Cockpit view 28fps and Extertal view 40 fps
A320 innsbruck
Pardon my interruption but all your pics show that you are CPU bound because your GPU in not close to 100% utilised. That means if you were to install an RTX2080Ti in your PC with the same settings your FPS would not increase. It is the main thread that is limiting your FPS - you have Vsync on. The 40% CPU utilisation says nothing because that is the average of all cores (including the idle one not used by FS2020). You should IMO not ignore those fact in your advice to others. Just trying to be helpful
You should only be CPU bottleneck on 1080p.GPU bottleneck should happen at 1440p and 4k
Turning Terrain Level of detail from 200-100 has increased my fps and reduced the stutters a bit everything else Ultra no issues at least flying GA
The settings I have above, the sim runs smooth as glass. No stutters. For me anything above the 34 fps I have it locked to is wasted as I can’t see a difference. If I don’t lock them they go towards 40 but not quite as smooth.
Hyperthreading? Idk where i find this
I have a z390 gaming x mobo