3070 + Quest 2 performance analysis (something is wrong)

On my i7 7700 + 3070 with a Quest 2 connected through a USB 3.0 link I have these settings:

In-game render scaling in VR is set to its absolute lowest. I believe it is rendering at 417x417

Every setting is set to the lowest possible.

Looking at the overlay, I have a headroom of -50-60% and my frame rate is constantly moving around in the 30fps-40fps area. Constantly in flux.

My CPU never goes above 40% and my GPU never goes above 35%

There is something wrong here.

I have used the oculus debug tool to disable ASW, and none of the settings for it (lock 45fps, disable, enable) do anything. I guess that is not surprising seeing how my frame rate won’t even hit 45.

What in the heck is going on here?

It’s not just you, it’s an issue affecting many (all?) using Link. Try this though, this fixed the weird frame timing and resulting stutters on my system: PSA: Fix Found for Oculus Link/Quest Frame Sync Stutters and ASW Issues

I wish that solved it … same prob here, and it didn’t get solved by that so called fix…
I hope they get their act sorted out soon, as all people who bought a 3 series card for playing FS2020 in VR are totally screwd now…
People with 1 or 2 series cards can try downgrading to NVIDIA driver v 446.14 driver
which has been said to be the last one without giving major issues for VR. (see https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/game-ready-drivers/13/402768/valve-index-missing-dropped-frames-since-nvidia-d/ )

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