4 Season Pack - Multi Season - Available on PC and Xbox [Archive 1]

“Checking for update” doesn’t sound like a season mod issue. Make sure you’re running Season version 6 and above.
If that’s not the case, try this forum:

I’m using the newest Season (6.05) and it only sticks on the checking for updates screen when i try to load this mod. I’m using addon linker…One thing i noticed…in the title column beside the Seasons mod of addon linker it reads, “could not read the manifest.json file”
Let me try to re-download and see if that helps.

Ahhh, I know, email me directly. You didn’t unzip all the files. bijanstudiola@gmail.com

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Fall scene in Sweden:


Hello Bijan,
Do you mean you sell separate products for specific areas, beside the main softwarepackage ?
If so, where are they available?
Kind regards

Sorry, I have just found the answer on my unneccesary question… :grin:

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Ah, so the 4Seasons package is a prerequisite for the additional packages.

I would certainly buy such package covering the LOWI area.

This Seasons Pack is interesting.
Does it function too fully offline - are the trees still there and placed without satellite images?
If yes I would like to buy it, but the decision what to buy is diffciult :slight_smile:
I guess the summer pack has all these colourful spring cherry blossom trees around Tokyo…

Does this package cover the Aokigahara and the Black Hills Forest around Burkittsville in Maryland?

The blossom in Tokyo is in spring, so wont be in the summer only pack…

The spring/autumn pack would be better than summer/winter pack.

I’m not one to tell anyone how to spend their money, but if i were you I’d just get the complete 4 seasons pack from SimMarket. It’s far better value, and gets updates instantly, rather than weeks later in Marketplace.


I would wait for an update from marketplace which might be this Thursday.

This Thursday spring and summer might get updated and will be available for Xbox too.

But sim market is better value if you don’t plan on playing on Xbox.

Yes it works with off line mode too.
Spring blossoms are only available in spring season.
This season add-on covers the entire world.

I flew over Aokigahara the other day and it looks amazing with the mod :slight_smile: Such a sad and tragic place, though :frowning:


@bijanstudio Does the 4 Season Pack include everything that all of the other packs that you have released included? Is the 4 Season Pack the complete edition?

Yes, except the customized Salt Lake City.


What is life but death pending? :rose:
These people who go inside this forest are better off than the rest of us mortals because they are not getting no unpleasant surprise by death and choose their own humane method. What would be the best pack to start with, the spring/autumn pack or the summer/winter pack? The first one might have more and colourful variations of flowers and trees I guees :wink:

Oops…did I miss something? Just downloaded V6.05 yesterday I just now saw this post. Did read the 3 .txt files and now a little confused. The “about.txt” says V6.05 includes the “3D Models” so I threw away “3D_models_-_Bijan_V2.0”. But “install.txt” says "Place “3D models - Bijan V**” in my community folder…but I thought V6.05 now had this included…help me understand.

Also “install.txt” says “Place ““Gorse bushes in UK”” in community folder”…but your post now says that’s included in V6.05…again help me understand this. Nothing is said about “LOWI_Airport_3D_Winter_Trees_V1.0” nor “Zhangiajie_Hills”…but I assume from your post these are also included in the V6.05.

Would appreciate some clarification…thanks.


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He was asking if he buys the 4 season pack, everything would be included (meaning all the features). He wasn’t talking about specific folder.

Just like the install.txt says, you need to install one of the seasons and 3d model folder, and Gorse bushes in UK, which is optional.
LOWI airport and Zhangiajie_Hills are included in 3d model folder.

Got it…thanks. Forgot to ask about “Bora_Bora”…is that included in the 3D models also so can be deleted.


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