4 Season Pack - Multi Season - Available on PC and Xbox [Archive 1]

But it’s already there to buy…


I just reuploaded the files. It looks like the upload didn’t save on simmarket.
Wait for another notification please.

@WearingTripod66 make sure the update is checked here:


Alright, no worries. Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

Ah, all right. Thanks for the link, and for making one of the best mods I have ever seen for a flight sim.

I got the email just now but I can’t figure out how to update it :frowning: When I go to my downloads the file still shows as V4.64.

Wait for another notification soon. Simmarket messed up the saving part on first upload.

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So do I have to wait for a second email?

Yes. :wink:

Thank you :slight_smile: Sorry for the confusion :frowning:

Seems the new file is there but it has no 5.0 in the name. Is that the one?

Great, it seems it isn’t working at the moment. Says URL not found.

That’s the one. Since only spring/fall is V5 and the rest is V4.65, I didn’t add that to the zip file.

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In the meantime, I highly recommend Bijan’s Seasons product. It fills the gap nicely until MS/Asobo implement it.


Yep, can only recommend Bijans season addon too. Lots of value for the money and it seems the guy is only just starting right now, lots of new features coming. :slight_smile:

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I am using and enjoying the Bijan seasons/trees. WAY better than nothing. But ideally, Asobo would be working on adding seasons in the sim AND working to add more types of realistic trees AND be working as hard to make sure natural areas have accurate tree/vegetation in them as they do to improve urban areas/cities. I spend a lot more time flying over natural areas than cities. And they have pushed the seasons work until next year and who know when it’ll actually be available and how well it’ll work. Snow as implemented is still pretty problematic. And I’ve heard not a single word from Asobo about making the trees more diverse and more accurate. They REALLY need to open up the trees in the SDK so people can add more tree types, not just color and scale of the existing types.

But yes, if you want the best seasons and trees available now, certainly buy the Bijan add on. It’s not perfect, but it’s always improving. It’s great to have 4 seasons at all. I do wish/wonder if it’d be possible to make a little executable to interpolate the seasonal color settings, as they are just defined in text files and then place that interpolated version in the Community folder, or maybe even find a way to have that execute whenever MSFS is opened to place the correct season for the actual date. That way you could get mix of Spring and Summer between March 20 and June 20, a mix of Summer and Fall between June 20 and September 20, etc, etc. Otherwise you are kind of always flying a the most Spring like look, or the most Fall like look, when 361 days of the year are not at a peak season, but a mix of them. Anyways, I guess I should make that a feature request. The developer is great at taking customer input.


This is already planned: :slight_smile:
Post from 22 days ago:

Mixed season:

  1. Late winter/early spring
  2. Late spring/early summer
  3. Late summer/early fall
  4. Late fall/early winter

That’s fantastic! Wonderful to hear. Infinite variations would be great, but just having those 4 additional in-betweens will go a long way towards matching real world conditions!!!

Funny you should mention V5?? I just got an email from SimMarket saying v5 is available?

"Dear simMarket Customer,

at simMarket you can now find an update or new version of your product:


You will find the link to download this update in your user account → orders listing → order number:


Update 5.00 - Multi Season for Spring/Fall
Multi Season for Spring/Fall (Spring in northern hemisphere and Fall in southern hemisphere and tropics in equator.
(only spring/fall is done so far. Summer/Winter will be done by May 2021)"

But when I go to my account and the order, the download I still get 4.64? Did they just jump the gun on this email and the update should become available in the next day or so?

Yes, The first upload got corrupted during saving on simmarket. I uploaded a new one and you should a second notification.

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Excellent, thanks! I will keep an eye out for it! I do plan some flying time this evening and would love to check out the latest.

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