Greetings all, I am a noob to this forum and to MSFS in general, however I am enjoying the simulator greatly and have been struggling with FPS and judder and other typical performance issues and have formulated the following observations/comments:
Firstly, my system spec is as follows: Ryzen 5600X, 32GB DDR4, RTX 3070 OC, 1TB NVME (fastest currently available on PCIE 4.0). Am displaying on my LG OLED558B TV (this is significant in the context of this post)…
Ideally, like most, I guess I would want to be able to run the sim at 4K ULTRA and for everything to be perfect. However, the world is not a fair place (fact) and compromises must be made…somewhere.
Initially I had looked at what settings needed to be tweaked in the sim to allow me to run at 4K native resolution, which for my system, meant rather low settings everywhere and still poor frame rates. I have accepted that 4K is not an option for me at this time.
I’m going to cut what would otherwise be a long story short here…
I have realised that reducing the sim settings for graphics quality is pointless if the aim is to achieve playable frame rates at 4K; if the sim does not generate the content, then no amount of resolution will make that content better. For example, if I change Volumetric Clouds from ULTRA to LOW the difference in graphical quality is much, much more measurable and apparent than changing the GPU resolution from 4K to (say) 1080p…volumetric clouds ULTRA at 1080p look significantly more realistic than on LOW at 4K.
I suspect you see where I am going with this…
I have now configured by GPU to output at 1080p and have all sim settings on ULTRA. My TV does a reasonable job of upscaling to 4K and the additional content that the ULTRA settings afford makes for a visually stunning experience. Furthermore, I achieve around 60fps in most places, dropping to maybe 45fps in highly congested areas in airliners.
I plan to take some screen shots of typical scenery and cockpit views at both 1080p and 4K and study them to see if there is an appreciable difference…I suspect not. All of the textures and lighting effects look superb at 1080p upscaled by my TV to 4K and the sim is now very enjoyable on what is now a mid-tier graphics card.
I post this as I hope it might help some and I’m happy to receive some feedback and comments about any similar findings.
Will now go back to waiting for the World Update 3 due TODAY!!