The 747 seems to fly fine when I fly in VFR mode and manually set my heading. However, when I filed a flight plan and fly it with LNAV/VNAV, the plane flys in a straight line but the plane is banked 10 degrees. At first I thought it was the aelierons but I noticed the rudder was in the opposite direction to compensate this. When I take manual control of the rudder and center it, it flies fine, until the autopilot freaks out and makes me fly inverted, so this is not ideal.
I thought maybe my yaw was the issue on my joystick, but this is not happening to any of my other aircraft. I looked into online, and someone said something about setting legacy flight model to modern, which I did but the issue still persists. The only way I thought I could get around this was disabling the yaw in game, but I just want to fly properly but can’t because of this ■■■■ auto-pilot.
Anybody knowhow I can fix this without having to reinstall the game?