Do you even see some boards or cars with 20? I installed all World and city updates today and that is what i get now. I lost 10-15 fps.
What are your traffic settings? I only get your fps when i reduce the traffic sliders to 50 and 70.
I don’t get as many as at 100, of course, but I still get plenty for my tastes. Here’s a comparison of 20 vs. 100 I just made flying around downtown Chicago. There’s a couple of times I get some extreme lag and down into the single digit frame rates, but I think it’s due to recording directly on my graphics card.
AI boats are quite taxing on cpu. [ Leisure Boat ] slider in this particular location show no boats unless you set it to 100 and then there are around 40 boat routes. Move slider to 99 and there are 0 boats. This slider despite having 100 possible values show all the boats at 100 and none at any other value - checked at different locations.
first 60s of this discovery flight: green - with all traffic sliders at 99, orange - all at 100
What are your traffic sliders when you took the vid? Boats, cars…
The streets are really empty with sliders on 20
That´s for all sliders or just boats? Why do i have a slider when it´s only on or off traffic?
you use FSTL or Microsoft live traffic?
Thats what i get with your setitings right now.
Boats at 100 60-64 fps. Thats is a big impact.
Both, but never AI offline because then it is slideshow. In this instance Realtime online.
Why Live Traffic and FSTL? FSTL needs less power and looks better than Microsoft traffic.
Hey there, I am planning on upgrading my rig as I have a I5 9600k & an rx 6600XT. I am planning on upgrading my cpu, mobo, and ram and im trying to figure out whever to buy the Ryzen 5 7600X or spend the extra money on the ryzen 7 7800X3D. I would like to run microsoft flight simulator on Ultra settings, 1080p above 60 fps just fine. I dont have a crazy budget so if I buy the ryzen 5 7600X i will probably have money to upgrade my gpu sooner than later if needed. I would like to know how my fps would be at 1080p with the rx 6600XT paired with the ryzen 5 and ryzen 7.
Why limit yourself to 1080p? Either of those systems would handle more but IMO you should go with X3D if it’s even a consideration now, for future proofing reasons.
But really I would go for it and budget a higher res screen too - it would make a huge difference to the look of the game!
Cheaper 40 series are coming. Hang fire until January.
This also. You don’t ‘need’ 4K (but it’s pretty awesome.) A good 2K monitor with a reasonably high refresh rate can be had for a very reasonable price now. No way I could ever go back to 1080P.
For reference, when flying my Bonanza over the Sahara (my baseline reference flight) I get 85 FPS / 12.50 ms latency.
RTX 3090 Ti
32" 4K / 144Hz monitor, HDR on.
I run the sim in 4K native (no rescaling) with DX11 and DLSS Performance.
TLOD = 175
OLOD = 135
Mostly Ultra/High on all the other settings.
I concur with the previous posts.
Preferably get the 7800X3D.
The only cheaper option to consider is a 5800X3D, still a good CPU, much better than what you have today, but on a dead socket, meaning not up-gradable in the future without a motherboard swap.
For the GPU, if you are on a budget, you could consider a RX6800 non XT, for the ample RAM and decent raw performance, new or used.
Just be prepared to possibly be disappointed / frustrated / overjoyed.
I came from a Ryzen 5 5600/GTX1660 to a 7800X3D/RX6800 (non-XT) and it has been quite frustrating trying to get a smooth, stutter free performance.
The sim ran really well with everything set to high on my old PC, but trying to get the same on ultra with the new one…sigh. To be fair, with the amount of threads relating to problems with higher end PCs recently, it seems like a bit of a lottery whether you’ll get good performance out of the box or not.
I don’t know what the salesman told you but 1080p is 2K.
I would not use Wikipedia 1920x1080 is not 2K. Never was and never will be. 1920x1080 will always be full HD. 2K= Quad HD.
The number must fall in the 2000 pixels range. 1920 falls a bit short.
Definitely get the 7800X3D as MSFS 2020 is heavily main thread limited and the cache is so important for performance. Don’t expect to get a smooth 60fps on ultra unless you pair it with a 40 series and framegen as you’ll be very disappointed.
I have the 7800X3D and a 3060 on 1080p (or call or 2K it doesn’t matter), because TV, and around any busy areas it struggles to get 40fps on ultra, CPU limited. I run it locked at 30fps for a mostly smooth experience, but still get some stutters and pauses in the busiest areas with more complex add-ons.