787-10 Mod by Hanger9

As the A320X Mod is getting allot of attention from the community for the amazing word the developers are doing to enhance it. There is an amazing community of people behind a mod for the 787-10. As this is a premium economy aircraft it is more of a challenge for the developers to get to work on the mod with restrictions etc behind it.
Wouldnt it be better for asobo/microsoft to try and work with these communities better to allow them to edit the mod to a higher standard and take allot of work off there own developers. Lets try and help the community of amazing developers by backing them up and trying to get them they help they need to keep bringing us these amazing aircraft.


You can find all of the Community Aircraft Mods at the megathread here: Community Aircraft Mods Megathread

I’m trying to keep it up to date with all of the community aircraft mods to help support them but it definitely would be awesome to see some of these be put into the game by default.


Thanks for that

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