A 320 with FBW almost flyable

I did a one hour flight from Oslo to Copenhagen today with the Fly By Wire modded A320.

Until 41 minutes into the flight, all systems (AT,VNAV,LNAV,AP etc.) worked as expected. But for some reason FLARE did not work and the AUTOLAND was botched.

Here is a link to a video I made:

Apparently FBW is working on their own autoland feature, and it can’t come soon enough.


Yes, the AP is the default Asobo AP. It is hardcoded, so you don’t have a chance to fiddle with it. Therefore FBW is working on an own, completely new AP for the A320neo.


That leaves the question(s) of how max737Ifly manages to land so smoothly (and has enabled the conversation between the pilot and co-pilot)

Check it out here. From the dialogue in the cockpit i understand that he switches of the AP around 300’ after having set the flaps at max (which the hardcoded Asobo does not seem to permit without a lot of alarm sounds).

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Sure it can fly, but the estimates in the fmc works prior to takeoff, but everything becomes a mess of numbers after takeoff for some reason and it’s super annoying not being able to see any eta’s

I use the FBW and on the 1000 callous I disengage autopilot and land the plane myself. I wouldn’t try to Autoland a default aircraft. This isn’t flight factor or PMDG :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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It’s called Adobe Premiere Pro with some video and sound editing expertise.

If your alarm sounds when you extend the flaps. You extend it while your airspeed is above the double brown line. You do it when you’re under it, which means it’s safe to extend the flaps.

Autoland has never been implemented and has gotten worse with the latest Asobo update.

This sentence contradicts itself. How can something not yet implemented get worse?


Because they changed the FBW implementation of flare mode, which made autoland worse. Asobo said from the outset that autoland was not implemented, yet people continue to try to do it. It does not flare when you attempt to autoland, and that deficiency causes even bigger problems with the latest update that causes the pitch to decrease just before landing. Capiche?

You’d be better off simply stating auto land is not implemented. Full stop.

Anything else will just mean people keep attempting it and complaining about the result.

The fact that people keep trying something that is 100% not implemented is completely user error, nothing else.

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Yeah, don’t try to explain what’s going on. Just tell people they’re doing it wrong. Thanks for telling me what I should say.


Anyone able to perform RNAV approaches? If so please give me one example. Tx

you cant they dont work in the a320… rwp tried it.

there is no autoland feature but it should get you to the threshold safely

Wrong there is. and i use 2 -3 times a day, i don’t know where you get this info from…

A320 Auto Land

@PowderyMilk889 is correct. There is NO autoland, in NO MSFS aircraft.

NO flare, NO automatic thrust reduction = NO autoland. It’s that simple.

Btw, the AP shouldn’t disengage either at touchdown.

Do you have a time stamp for the autoland part in your youtube link? I couldn’t find it.

Watch the video… or do you have selected sight!

Of course I’ve watched the video.

Again, where’s the autoland part?

And what is selected sight?

Clearly seen in the display ( LAND) followed by (FLAIR) Look, i don’t know your agenda, but i daily, as do others Autoland the A320… YOU must have an issue, as both the default aircraft, and FBY’s version both are capable

Have fun…