A/B Testing of Graphics Settings in Microsoft Flight Simulator

A lot of running MSFS 2020 seems to be which graphics settings are better, these or those?!!

The problem is that you have to exit whatever you’re flying, change the settings in Options, General, Graphics, then resume.

What I’d like to suggest, and I think the mechanics are already there, basically, is with one hotkey stroke be able to switch in mid-flight between this and that, just like the optometrist switches lenses on you in testing your vision and allows you to yo-yo back and forth to figure out within seconds between comparisons which one is really best.

I’d say the mechanics are already there because we already have a hotkey switch between 2D and VR. I’ve set mine to F12. By hitting that key in midflight, I can yo-yo back and forth between 2D and VR settings. Why not just arrange it so that one can yo-yo between two sets of 2D or two sets of VR settings if one wants? Since this might muck up the cleanliness of the sim, maybe it could be made an option for Developer Mode or an option within the basic sim that has to be switched on to be available (a key binding that has to be assigned).

The other thing that would be handy for A/B testing is the option to restart a standard test flight pattern in making the switch to be able to compare apples to apples with a clean, quick switch between preset graphics settings in flight. Asobo/MS might supply a variety of standard flights over NYC, out-in-the-boonies, etc., with different amounts of vector detail, photogrammetry, clouds, etc., to test various specific settings. Recommendations on what to look for in changing a particular setting would help, too, rather than hunting high and low on the forum… And if the user could EASILY tune what’s to appear in any standard test flight used on-the-fly, as it’s being use, that would be helpful, too, e.g., let’s keep ratcheting up the quality of the volumetric clouds while we are actually flying and see where things go with no interruption, settings A vs. settings B.

This would be handy like using TLOD 100 when low and switch to pre-saved graphics settings with TLOD 200 when higher up for example. I believe there is already a wish list item for this:
Ability to Save Graphics Settings/Profiles - Self-Service / Wishlist - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

However what I find annoying is the darker background FS2020 is using when the settings popup displays in VR. It used to be transparent before (or slightly darker) and you could see the changes immediately prior exiting the popup settings window. Since SU4 (I believe it was this one) they are now displaying a very dark background and this hides the details underneath.

I’d prefer the background transparency in VR not being imposed by Asobo, but following my own preferences. There is already a setting for this in 2D, why not just using the same in VR?!

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