Decided to do another A.I. controlled flight today - this time from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport south to Krabi (Thailand domestic). Total flight time 1hr 46mins.
So often these A.I. controlled flights end in utter disaster - the A.I. co-pilot will overshoot or completely miss the final runway or just come in too low, etc. All very Keystone Kops. But not always.
My flight was great (A320Neo) - the A.I. Co-Pilot (let’s call him Charlie) managed a fairly tidy take-off from Suvarnabhumi Airport and made the climb into a very pleasant cruise, troubled only occasionally by mild turbulence as we headed out over the Gulf of Thailand.
As almost always with the A.I., the final approach and landing are somewhat challenging (hope you have good life insurance!). I wonder why this is? You would think, with me being completely ‘hands-off’, the A.I. would just be following a vector, ticking off pre-scripted ‘keyframes’, and would get everything perfect. It’s all just maths, right?
Charlie, of course, got it all completely wrong and, as we took off the tops of the trees, coming in too low and too fast towards sleepy little Krabi Airport (lovely scenery, btw), I resigned myself to the inevitable (and if you regularly fly A.I. Airways, familiar) black screen of death.
But no! Charlie - beautiful, dumb Charlie - for once showed some initiative! He pushed that throttle to full power mere moments away from certain death and pointed our ride straight back into the sky. We were actually doing an A.I. controlled ‘go-around’! As the landing gear folded back away, I struggled to hold back the tears. Charlie! Well done!
The second time was a charm. I was still completely ‘hands-off’ as Charlie took a wider, slightly higher approach, going right out towards the Bay before turning a lazy arc back towards the airport, all the while carefully managing his airspeed. It was a perfect landing. He even managed to taxi up to the stand without mishap.
On cue, my first MSFS 2020 Achievement duly popped-up on-screen - for completing a journey of over 300 miles. Nice going, Charlie!
Fix the A.I., Asobo - please - I really want to be able to trust Charlie!