A lack of respect for the client

I personally don‘t have a problem with the decision of releasing a new version. They‘ve always said that not every update would be for free - and this appears to be an update (calling it a „sequel“ sounds like marketing-speak to me). As long as we can still use our addons, which will be the case, I‘m prepared to pay for the new version.
To put it into perspective, paying $60 every 4 years for the whole sim seems absolutely reasonable compared to $20+ for a single airport (nothing against that either, but I hope you see my point). It‘s a flight sim and not GTA - they have to make money somehow.

Edit: After having watched and read more about MSFS 2024 I take back that it‘s only an update. It seems to be more than that.


Majority of games these days are not finished products.

On release the people who buy them are beta testers and a game finally becomes ‘complete’ maybe a year later after release or never at all.

They had to at least rebrand the game. MSFS ‘2020’, the ‘2020’ part already looks/sounds ancient.

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I hope this game will not be like train simulator 2xxx series

they have to make money somehow.

Those poor little souls from monopolistic megacorporation. :wink:


GTA is probably the worst example you could have used since GTA V was released in 2013.
Apart from that gamers don’t really understand that simulators can and are supported and played after a new version releases. They probably cannot fathom that people are still using FSX or P3D. They have been trained to update to the latest thing immediately.


Bad decision. Finish what you have started before moving on. In my opinion we still have a very long way to go! They still haven’t fixed the little things like push back, taxi lights and vehicles on the taxi way. I feel betrayed…


:joy: true. Still, MSFS as a franchise still has to be profitable.

I mentioned GTA because of its popularity and the sales numbers.

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those not seeing the problem with, or even welcoming, this kind of marketing behavior of MegaCorp, pardon… Mircosoft, would most definitly saw off the branch they’re sitting on.


Why? The tree needs water, nutrients and sunlight so that it can grow healthy and we can sit on a sturdy branch. Otherwise it will rot and we‘ll fall.
On a more serious note, I don‘t welcome it, but I can live with it.


Why? Could you please in detail explain your quick and dirty judgement or prediction, or it’s just an expression of your ad-hoc emotion? With all the respect to your opinion - it’s up to each one of us (including yourself) to decide whether upgrade to the newest possible, continue with the actual thing, or quit using it at all. The same as with each product / brand we use in our lives… :wink:

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They could have done that via releasing this as a paid dlc.

I really don’t understand this “new FS2024” thing.
As I’m pretty sure it will run on the same engine as the simulator what we have now.
Hence they already said that our current planes and scenery will work on the “new” simulator.

I’m a bit upset to say the least.


The fact that everyone is complaining about this is complete ridiculous-ness. Many other games have yearly full cost releases. Even in the flight sim community, iterations come out every few years and require new purchase. I don’t know why anyone thought otherwise. Be excited that it is doing so well that that they feel a need to create new content.

I just dont understand why people think this is any different from FS2000/FS2004/FSX. Be happy and enjoy new things. nobody will take away what you paid for. Grow up.


Obviously, I cannot speak for Microsoft, but it looks like this is a “we need some more exclusives for Xbox, because Sony is beating us in this game”.

What is one of the known Xbox exclusives? MSFS.

So, what presents better:

“DLC for MSFS 2020”


“All new sim MSFS 2024”

It looks pretty obvious.

That or it is another way to break free of existing contracts with content providers that frees up the development of the sim to go in a different direction.


You can’t speak for them but you are going to try anyway :wink:


Correct, Captain Obvious.

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Release it as a paid expansion, so we have the option to not buy something that we aren’t going to use (see Reno Air Races). And yes I saw they said they would support MSFS still but really do you think that’s the case? Maybe for a year then they will get tired of the team being split slowing the pace of development, pushing the road map out even further.


Companies will continue to treat flight simmers with disrespect as long as we continue making excuses for their behaviour.


What do you mean disrespect… not following?


To generate revenue ?

You do realise that FS2020 generated over 100million on release right ?

That’s not even counting the 5 million Xbox users all subscribed.

I don’t think revenue should be a problem unless you’re happy to support some CEOs greed.

My annoyance with this announcement is simple. If they walk away completely from 2020 then that’s leaving it unfixed from release. With issues that we have all endured for 3 years whilst still being informed it’s being addressed.

How about fix the model. Fix the issues provide a stable platform that you promised then look at an upgrade…

A lot of premium deluxe users are no doubt annoyed at the feeling of being conned


They never said they are walking away from MSFS 2020.