A lack of respect for the client

Yes. We did ask for World Updates and additional content.


You do know the history of Microsoft flight simulator right ?

Been a product user since 95 and I can assure you once they move over to the new platform they will start a draw down of the past version and any long time user of the flightsim product line will be happy to confirm that to you as well.

It’s a business model Microsoft has implemented for decades.


Re read what I wrote… “IF” in a sentence is pretty self explanatory

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Geloxo, Âżeres el creador de los estupendos escenarios de las FAMET? Un saludo

Geloxo, are you the creator of the great scenarios of the FAMET? Greetings


I’ve been using this drug as long as you… sorry, I now see you are discussing your “if” as a hypothetical…

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Asi es. Me alegra que te gusten.


That’s right. I’m glad you like them.
Best regards


My mind is that the updates they gave us were poisoned candy. YES, they gave us improvements in scenarios, functionalities, aircraft, but we also suffered many errors that made it impossible to use the simulator. I spent months without Intensive use, because I suffered DTC on the airline flight. It was frustrating to spend almost an hour doing the checking, and then, once you had another hour of flight, suffer a DTC, losing the flight time in the pilot profile. And now, when the worst incidents have been resolved six months ago and we can enjoy the simulator, they tell us that a new simulator is being developed, not a DLC, a new simulator, which means paying for it. I feel like an idiot, I paid as a beta tester with MSFS2020 and now they want me to pay again for a MSFS2024 that I helped debug.


Me encantan, no soy fan de los helicĂłpteros, pero has clavado Colmenar Viejo. Mi padre fue el director de proyecto de los entrenadores y simuladores para el Chinook y el Cougar que tienen allĂ­. Por cierto, yo tambiĂŠn ando supercabreado por el anuncio del nuevo MSFS2024. Me siento estafado.

I love them, I’m not a fan of helicopters, but you’ve nailed Colmenar Viejo. My father was the project manager for the trainers and simulators for the Chinook and Cougar they have there. By the way, I’m also overwhelmed by the announcement of the new MSFS2024. I feel cheated.

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Look at the community wishes during the first year, at the time of the release of the first 5 world updates for instance:

And just the ones after the last WU:

Main concerns (or at least the most voted ones) have been always the technical features, features that don´t work properly or features that are missing. Yes you can sometimes find request to include more content as people got used to that, because everyone likes whatever is free, but most players still want a working platform, to get rid of bugs and not a ton of free addons instead of that. Specially significant was the evolution during the first year. At that time customers and devs still understood each other. Sadly things started to change quite short after that when instead of customers money took priority. Then we started to see the so called “lifetime bugs”, which were basically things we knew that won´t be fixed ever, and unfortunatelly time just confirmed that, and the medicine used trying to compensate us for that, in the form of a release content madness that was the leitmotiv from 2022 onwards and ended in a new game title now.



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Nos estamos olvidando de cĂłmo se han cambiado cosas sin anuncio previo alguno, como el gestor de contenido, el famoso archivo content.xml. En mi caso me quedĂŠ mareado cuando no pude gestionar mis addons como hasta entonces. Tuve que ponerme a buscar informaciĂłn por los foros para enterarme de cĂłmo funcionaba de nuevo. O cuando antes disponĂ­amos en el A320 de radar metereolĂłgico, que podĂ­amos emplear con A320X de FlyByWire, y de pronto dejĂł de funcionar. O cambios en nombres de variables que nos volvieron locos para poder emplear con FSUIPC o Mobiflight, etc.

We are forgetting how things have been changed without any prior announcement, such as the content manager, the famous content.xml file. In my case I was dizzy when I could not manage my addons as before. I had to look for information on the forums to find out how it worked again. Or when before we had weather radar on the A320, which we could use with FlyByWire’s A320X, and suddenly it stopped working. Or changes in variable names that drove us crazy to be able to use with FSUIPC or Mobiflight, etc.


Indeed the initial intention of world updates was to improve overall world quality, using higher resolution elevation meshes for instance. That was mainly causing the mountains pop-in effect in the areas that had very low resolution because they were not able to include the most updated data upon release. To me that was completely fair and it had sense to do it as that was causing a noticeable downgrade effect on overall quality which was not good for customers nor for the reputation of the recently released title. So it was a clever move to include them and was a win-win situation for both sides. That they include also free airports and POIs is something that was good for sure but not really needed. As I said, at least initially, most of the people was concerned about the technical aspects not about how nice the game scenery looked like. Just the fact to have Bing data available was a giant leap alone for most people that had used any previous simulators up to that point, so it was quite enough to satisfy the eye candy needs I would say.



Correct. That is exactly what was most expected: correct deficiencies, such as the famous towers in the Port of Barcelona. That there were new scenarios and planes, perfect, as you mentioned, we all won. I think they went crazy when they put the development for XBox. I have always believed that a simulator IS NOT A GAME. It is a simulation of a real life activity, which we could not carry out due to lack of financial or other means. We already paid high prices for devices or accessories, because they were not affordable as they were for a minority, but always cheaper than obtaining a real pilot’s license and having an aircraft. What I recognize that MSFS2020 has helped a lot is increasing the simmer community. But I insist, this is not a game, and treating it as an arcade may have an initial hypster effect, but it ends up tiring those who don’t take it more seriously. There is a danger that it will end up disappointing both simmers and casual players.


True enough. I’m waiting for the 5090.

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I gave up on this game like for the last month or two.

Game plays great on xbox, then a SU update breaks it. We wait for a month for the fix. Fix works, we’re all happy, only to have the nex SU update break the game again. and so on and so on.

I hope MSFS2024 doesn’t follow the same pattern.


This has been the cycle since it was released.

Why should we expect different from FS24? It is the same developer being driven by the same publisher. I predict a rinse & repeat situation, but hey I was wrong once :slight_smile:


When FS2020 landed on the scene it was massively better than it’s predecessor FSX. It was better in many ways than Xplane’s offering at the time.

It’s not necessarily wrong to suggest that FS2020 twisted Laminar’s arms and caused them to release a more polished Xplane 12.

But the problem is that this is a very complex world. The physics are honestly some of the simplest parts and even those are very complex. Then you get into engine simulation, instrument simulation, and IFR/traffic/weather and things get insane. So no, we’ve never had a “finished product” because the goal post is so far out of reach that it is borderline impossible to get there. How close we can get has improved with each generation and it has been a fun ride, but even FS2024 will be incomplete in some ways. That’s just the truth of it. And there are so many aspects to this hobby that it is almost impossible for one title to cater to all of them yet MSFS did a good job for most of them. For the rest, Xplane or DCS might do a better job, but only might.

FS9 was so flawed that the FS9.1 patch was almost required to get it working. Also, FS9 and FSX both had navaid range bugs that never quite got solved by the community. FS2020 still has the stupid papi bug from FS98 (the papis are still not quite right and lead you to be high crossing the threshold).

FS2020 was still far more complete than FS9 or FSX. Heck, it finally included a proper dev mode in the sim. FS2024 will be more complete than FS2020 is today I suspect, but still not be 100% there.


For the record, P3D legally couldn’t. The license they have for the FSX base explicitly excluded “entertainment” sales. That license instead went to Dovetail Games which they tried to use to make FSWorld but that was a commercial flop.

Dovetail also bought the engine of Train Simulator IIRC and that became the basis of their Trainsim / Trainsim world cash grabs

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And hearing from MS/Asobo that they’ll still support FS2020 even after FS2024 is yet another slap in the face, because even before they said that, FS2020 felt abandoned and 20 of the lifetime and sim/game breaking bugs are still in this and only five of them where ever worked on (improved but not fixed)
So telling a customer from the start and patching the game to something that looked better shortly after release then it does now is the main problem, because expectations where created and fed only to be abandoned in less then three years.

In it for the fast dollar, „gamers“ didn’t hold the sim alive for so long „sim“ users did, with the now big add-on aftermarket and the sales that made them decide to create yet another Flight Simulator. The success of this genre didn’t come from casual Xbox gamers but those are now the target. And as casual as the come, as casual will they be gone.


Maybe I should be more specific.

Do you feel any flight sim (including Xplane etc) has ever got the basics 100% right?

I accept recreating a full world flight simulation is such a big job that it may truly never be 100% finished.

But I think a lot of frustration is that we’re 3 years down the line and a lot of basics still haven’t been fixed. Which I think most of us would rather have over things such as world updates, hand crafted airports and top gun add ons etc.

If Microsoft had addressed the basics first then added the luxuries second, it’s easier to accept that everything was done for the player before moving on to the next instalment.

Flight Simulator isn’t GTA or Red Dead Redemption or any of these games where you just buy the software every 3 or 4 years when you’re completed because with flight sim a lot of people are also investing in additional hardware and software to enjoy and run the thing. The price of the simulator is very small in comparison to the overall cost.

And yet each time it feels like we’re just getting there with the specs we get a new sim and we’re back to square one again with investment into PCs/ graphics cards/ monitors etc.