A lack of respect for the client

Alrighty then, I give up. We are now officially all “clients” of Microsoft :+1:

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Well in that case as a client can I demand a finished product? And if not can I expect a free upgrade to a working one.


Me too.

And I wasn’t any kind of a simmer until MSFS2020, hardcore or otherwise but man I’m sure havin’ me some good fun!

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That, (IMHO), is the whole idea.

Again IMHO too many people “sweat the small stuff”, and fail to see the forest for the trees - picking on small details that, (though nice to have), shouldn’t overshadow the fact that MSFS is currently the Gold Standard for flight sims.

Sure, things working correctly and the small details being correct is the ideal we all strive for, but we shouldn’t loose sight of the great sim we already have.


But isn’t that a problem in that for too many of us there are way too many big issues like CTD’s and,and,and.
In my opinion they could do better.


I don’t claim to be a MSFS god or anything, but CTD’s usually have a reason, like memory exhaustion or an I/O stall, etc.

Without looking at the event logs, I really hesitate to assign blame.

For all we know it could be a video driver issue, insufficient memory on the video card, a firmware glitch on the motherboard or one of the onboard controllers, or a thousand other things.

I agree that if an exception occurs you should get better data than a hard crash to the desktop.  Until we know what the problem is, we have no way to know what to fix.

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You can demand and expect anything you choose. If you want those demands and expectations to be met by MS, you should hire a lawyer. Let us know how it goes.


Yep. They have us over a barrel don’t they. Big business is able to bully because their bucks are bigger than our bucks.


■■■■■. You are so absolutely right. Well said.

In fact I would go as far as to say in my mind this is a totally manufactured revenue scheme. “ we are so sorry we can’t deliver what we promised. “ so we will now produce a new one and you can pay for that too. Oh and actually we could have made 2020 work too if we tried but we’d rather have you guys give us more money.”


There’s no barrel. No one forces us to buy anything.
Sounds to me like you wouldn’t be happy no matter what FS2024 becomes.


If this were just about the money for Joerg, MS and Asobo, then there’s much lower hanging fruit than building a flight simulator. Nobody decides to build a flight simulator to make money quickly and easily.


Such as making MSCenery an official partner, and we can have Helicoptor of the Week

Ooops. Did I really type that?

(No. I wasn’t suggesting that. I was just coming up with funny ways of making a quick buck)


I’ll let you into a little secret. I’d be happy if the sim that I bought worked in the way that I was told it would.


You guys want the marketing to equal the product performance.

Thats silly. If this is your first forey into being overexcited by marketing, then youve learned a lesson.

Marketing has always, and always will, “puff their wares”. You’ll never convince marketing groups to change. Theyll always promise what might be possible, and always tell potential customers what they wish to hear.

The marketing for 2024 will do the same.

Yet, we’re not totally helpless. Look at the central talents of the primary actors. Berween Asobo and blackshark ai, you have companys that developed the network technology to stream maps and microsoft made bing data available.

As opposed to you (believing marketing claims) I never expected improved systems, or fabulous flight models. There are no main players with that specialty. I did expect to fly over amazing terrain with a very realistic world underneath me, and this sim delivered in spades.

So I was pleased from the start.

I also realized Id get the best new tech for the lowest cost by buying the standard version as the weak attempt to descriminate a pricing structure was based on providing more of the weaker skills of the consortium and still delivering 100% of the new tech to all buyers.

I knew that ga was the strength of this product and that companys who excel at ga addons would provide. Yay for A2A and Just Flight…for adding the complexity of flight models to the greatness and cost optimization of the standard version of msfs 2020.

If you pay attention to the skills of the primary players of msfs 2024, and buy wisely…youll be able to understand what you can expect out of it. Finally if you learn that marketing’s job is to maximize the market, and honesty is not their strength, you can spend ur time appreciating rather than complaining and demanding the impossible.


Nope its not your fault “if you’re lied to”. It IS your fault if you believe the lies and dont use your own wisdom to vet them.

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I dont think you understood my message. Marketing is in charge of whetting your appitite to buy.

ANY marketing. Tv commercials, magazine ads, as seen on tv, internet ads…they all exxagerate.

Look up “caveat emptor”. In english "buyer beware.


Right, spending 500k man-hours to build a flight sim that is so bad compared to its teasers that no one wants it. Sure, sure, great way to make money! :roll_eyes:

Just consider the money you wasted on MSFS a life lesson and move on. Continuing to be bitter and toxic about it isn’t healthy.

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The architectural changes made to MSFS 2024 were substantial and would have been difficult to have done as a series of sim updates without making the sim unstable. Also the changes would have set a slightly different presedence in (software) client behaviour which is easier to swallow in a new title.

The changes they’ve made are not a money grab but necessary to move the platform forward.

As for the bugs and missing features, this fight will continue, it’s just the architectural changes took precedence given the longevity of MSFS on the PC and Xbox platforms.

If you’re bitter about the long term goals not potentially being fulfilled on the MSFS (2020) platform. The title for me has hit most of the expectations set in the original preview event in Seattle in 2019, the patch and content cadance has been amazing and the sim continues to be a ground breaking platform with best in class technologies in several areas. There are very few real issues to complain about.

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