A lack of respect for the client

A very true statement, unfortunately this falls short when you purchase a product that then becomes worse (in certain aspects) over time.

Since release the current Sim has;

  • Got worse in graphical fidelity of the clouds (SU5)

  • Got Worse in the depiction of Live Weather, including thunderstorms, METAR bubbles, METAR to meteoblue transitions (SU7)

  • Got worse with the use of the mouse in VR (SU7), got worse with the use of the mouse generally (SU12)

  • Massive backwards step with relation to ground tile swapping

Those are just some areas that are not as good as first release or thereafter made worse in a following Sim Update, all items in the Bug Forums here with hundreds of votes and posts.

My point being; a game/simulation should not go backwards at any point during itā€™s lifespan, this Sim clearly has. That is what is upsetting people, past years old bugs and issues still not fixed and that does not set a good precedent for the future title of the developers continue down a similar path.
The idea of a title that is constantly getting love and updates from the developer, is to take the product forward in all aspects, not just a few and backwards in others. Therefore when as customers we buy something, we expect it to get better, not worse.


Certain things yes. There are unresolved bugs that donā€™t seem to get the attention they deserve.
But overall I blame us for that.

You want more and better photogrammetry?
You want a full passenger cabin in your 737, with unruly passengers you need call the police on?
You want live PGA events playing out below you?
You want live traffic jams? Dynamic waves on the beach? Realistic turbulence? Or a thousand other wishlist items that purportedly will increase the immersion?

Iā€™m being a little hyperbolic, of course. But everything they add to the sim in response to feature/fidelity improvements comes with tradeoffs - especially when the base code is written to utilize a single CPU core (and quite frankly doesnā€™t utilize system RAM nearly well enough.) More and better live data, along with more and better graphical elements means that some code elsewhere has to be compromised, else we would all be getting 10 FPS everywhere.

FS2020 has reached its limit as far as balancing features and fidelity vs. performance. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m in the camp with others who canā€™t wait for FS2024. I truly believe the new code will restore much of what is being complained about so vociferously lately by people who simply canā€™t or wonā€™t understand the complexities of attaining that balance.


let us all hope, that FS2024 will actually deliver true multi-threading to resolve this bottleneck of the old code.
Until this is clearly confirmed by devs, I keep some healthy scepticism along with some optimism that we will actually move on to a new core that will finally take advantage of the hardware revolution since FSX was coded.


Well that has always been one of the things with MSFS 2020. Most hardware upgrades, you see an improvement. You go up a generation in GPUā€™s, bam, you see a massive increase in performance. You go from a harddrive to an SSD, bam, you see improvements. You add memory from 16 to 32, you see improvements. But the CPU, you go from a 10980 to a 13980, you get excited about what this will do. Its 3 generations. And then you find you only get a 5 FPS increase. CPU increases have always been a disappointment in MSFS. But if they are aiming at better multithreading, then we will see what better usage of our CPUā€™s can do. And more things can be added. I mean right now, if you spawn at a busy airport with lots of PG and perhaps addons and you have it be a rainy day, you definitely see the hit from that. And we have all come to expect that and not think about that much. But better usage of the CPU should see that be yesterdays problem.

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But shouldnā€™t that mean that you welcome FS2024? Surely that will mean that, at some point, the devs will slow or stop altogether updating FS2020 and, in your eyes, so making things worse? So that feels like a win-win?

For most of us, the things that may have got worse (and i donā€™t agree with some of your list by the way) have been far outweighed by the improved areas, the free updates and content (14+ works updates for example). Roll on FS2024 for me.

If the sim goes backwards it isnā€™t progressing is it. The things highlighted by the poster are only the tip of the iceberg really, we could add the white dot, instabilities,etc etc. if it is such a fragile beast for more than just a few of us ( just look at some of the topics on the forum) then why release it in that condition. And if so why not at the very least warn us about it, and mention that we are beta testing for a much better future version. If they did we would almost certainly still have got this sim but with our eyes open.


I appreciate healthy skepticism. But I prefer balancing it with hopeful enthusiasm.

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White dot? FOR SURE. That has not been handled well.

Instabilities? My system is rock solid. Iā€™ve never had a CTD that couldnā€™t be directly traced to either an nVidia driver or a 3rd party mod.

For PC users, the software is incredibly stable - if your PC is configured properly.
I agree that Xbox instability is a different thing. Thatā€™s on Microsobo.

Someone will probably come along and say ā€œBut the sim should be perfectly stable on the system I owned when I paid so much money for the software!!!ā€

No. The software has evolved. Call it progression or regression. I simply call it evolution. And just like in the natural world, some evolutionary ideas fall short, and some work brilliantly.


No, you really donā€™t (especially not massive) unless your using too high a resolution for your old card.

Iā€™ve run this sim on a 960, 1070, 3060 and a 3080

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I agree that for me, the sim is absolutely stable. I have used two PCs since the sim released in August of 2020. Initially a 4790K/1080Ti. Last year I purchased a 12900K/3080Ti.

Both PCs were/are dedicated solely to flight simulation - I use them for no other purpose, and have no installed software not directly related to simulation. I donā€™t even browse the internet with my FS PC, other than to visit vendor storefronts to download various add-one I own.

I do have a top-end internet router, and have no bandwidth problems.

I have never had a single CTD in the three years I have been using MSFS, and I often fly 10 or more hours per week.

I could have experienced CTDs had I not avoided areas known to cause them. When the sim was first released back in 2020, there was a ā€œknownā€ CTD affecting all users who tried to spawn at BIKF. Later, there was another ā€œknownā€ CTD within a certain radius of KADW. I simply avoided both locations until the underlying cause of the CTDs was fixed.

One proviso: I do not use VR, nor do I use the automated ATC nor automated AI. Any bugs in those functions do not affect me, though they may affect other MSFS users.

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I went from a 3080TI to a 4090, I certainly saw a huge increase. Iā€™m sorry your upgrades didnā€™t.

I went from a GTX 1070 / i7-8700 to a RTX 3070 / i9-10900KF to a RTX 4090 / i9-13900K and the performance increase was quite impressive with each.

Which tells me both replies are not running 1080p

No, I run 3840 X 1600 at 144Hz on my monitor. Why would I run at 1080p?

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At 1080p, you are likely getting about 60 FPS, and limited by the mainthread. At least as what I can tell by YouTube videos showing FPS comparisons. If you are limited by the mainthread, of course an upgrade of the GPU isnā€™t going to get you a performance increase. Upgrading a component that isnā€™t yyour bottleneck is not going to have great returns. That really isnt the fault of the sim.

I now have a lovely set of pink trimotors grrrrr

As I stated in my first post you wont see ā€œmassiveā€ improvements unless your using too high a resolution for your old card. I think everyone on this board can without doubt or argument say that the main culprit is CPU single thread performance.


And yes you are right. I want what I was told I was going to get. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Yes, however a very very small very very loud minority, I have not had a CTD in years, Not saying you donā€™tā€¦ but got to believe the issue is on your end not the game.