This guy allegedly has been able to take off and land safely in a twin-engine plane in MSFS 2020 by using nothing but “careful manipulation of the throttle”:
I used the mouse and setup the throttles and flaps for take off etc and took off, then using careful manipulation of the throttle flew 12 miles away and landed at another airfield with no issue using nothing more than flaps and split throttle…no primary surfaces mapped…first go…wasn’t a smooth landing, very firm but none the less.
Just to be clear for 100%, I took off, and landed first time with just throttles and flap, no other inputs just to be clear, and the runway I went to was not dead ahead either, and first time I ever flew an aircraft like this in my life.
Source: Real World Pilots, please state your feedback about the flight model - #14 by MarkReyno1ds
They dumbed down a lot of things, and the flight model is just one of them.