Chipmunk. Bulldog
Clear Start No 2 “oops” No 2 engine missing
Change the spark plugs
The answer to the OP is now available in the form of FSRealistic. All sorts of audio, visual and force feedback improvements to be had, though the first one that I switched OFF was the clear prop shout followed by all other human sounds which for me, was a great improvement.
Does anyone have any update on this? Does anyone know if MS/Asobo is working on this?
Very unlikely this is a priority given all the other potential issues to work on but I admit it breaks immersion to run over/chop up ground crew that won’t move so I will sometimes respawn to a different spot if I can’t get out. I wonder if there is even an SDK to control ground crew movement.
Yeah they walk around the aircraft sometimes.
FSRealistic includes a Clear Prop sound prior to engine start on GA’s, but without effect on the ground crew.
I like to just yell “clear prop!” myself… alone… in my home office… Alas, that too has no effect on the ground crew (lucky thing they are invulnerable ghosts
yeah not even any paperwork to go through either, like real life hassle
I will probably yell “Clear Prop” in my media room or, more likely “Here comes to the airplane! Open Wide!”
What if your in a jet ?
I think the issue is more getting ground traffic crew to move out of the way when trying to taxi. Same issue in a jet, and usually I just run the ground vehicles/crew over in that case after I’ve spent 15 minutes setting up my FMC and starting everything. I don’t need a program to yell “clear prop” for me, I’d be happy if the ground crew just had a bit more AI.
This Wishlist may suit you more:
The reason I made this Wishlist topic is because in real life, someone may not see that you turned your beacon lights on and/or they may not be facing the aircraft, and/or you may not see them. “Clear prop” is a safety item, and unfortunately, yelling it in your living room won’t help.
That being said, I’ve also voted for the above item, too. Once the engine is running, I hope that any AI ground personnel will be smart enough to back away.
Please add this! I was always worried for my ground crew!
I’m for this idea and it shouldn’t be too difficult to fix - says this computer ignoramus. If the option to use a key/mouse bind to ‘delete’ the ground personnel and equipment from around your aircraft was put into place so that, at the “clear prop” stage of the process, rather than yell clear prop at the wall you can think it, press the bind and now you don’t have to add to the list of deceased ground crew. If you don’t want to do it - disable the bind.
A common theme of the forums here is ‘immersion’ and there can’t be many mor anti immersive acts than driving your aircraft through people - or static trucks on the taxiway
Very old thread.
Calling “Clear” in your lounge room may help you remember to call “clear” in real life. Bad habits in sim can sneak into real life flying if you are not careful. Especially if you rarely fly.
This what the FAA Handbook has to say:
Prior to engine start, the pilot must ensure that the ramp area
surrounding the airplane is clear of persons, equipment, and
other hazards from coming into contact with the airplane
or the propeller. Also, an awareness of what is behind the
airplane prior to engine start is standard practice. A propeller
or other engine thrust can produce substantial velocities, result
in damage to property, and injure those on the ground. The
hazard of debris being blown into persons or property must
be mitigated by the pilot. At all times before engine start, the
anti-collision lights should be turned on. For night operations,
the position (navigation) lights should also be on. Finally,
just prior to starter engagement, the pilot should always call
“CLEAR” out of the side window and wait for a response
from anyone who may be nearby before engaging the starter.
Fair enough! I do say it at normal speaking volume before I start the aircraft engine. But the point of this Wishlist topic was that you can’t follow the checklist in the sim and that there is no way to get people away from your aircraft before starting the aircraft.
As for it being old, yes it is. Unfortunately, there are a lot of old Wishlist topics that haven’t been fulfilled.
Look at it this way. I’m a trucker. I also play a trucking sim. In the real world, I’m a safety conscious driver. In the sim, I do the things I can’t do IRL because it’s fun!
So who knows, maybe most players rather enjoy plowing through the ground crew. Call it payback for all the times they run through my plane when trying to hook up the tug.
My comment is a little off-topic, but it’s my topic, so .
Just wanted to say, big respect to all the professional truck drivers on the road. (Though, sounds like maybe I should avoid you in all trucking sims! )
Don’t worry, I’m a solo driver even in the sim (read:I don’t do multiplayer). Lol.
Hmmmm… Something something, back on topic. XD