A300 Spad Next Profile - Anyone?

Hello There

I haven’t found a Spad Next profile for the fantastic A300 from Inibuild. If someone’s reading who knows how to set it up, I’d be forever grateful for that:) I tried and I feel it’s incredibly complicated…

Kind regards

A300.xml.bak.txt (701.6 KB)


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Wow - thank you! How to install after downloading? Where do I drop the file?

Thank you very much.

In the folder where all the profiles in. Go to open profile folders, there you have to put in, just name the file A300. Xml.

Thank you. So I convert it into a xml file? And once it’s in, it activates automatically?

Thank you very much and sorry for the bother.

Which hardware do you want to use with spad.next? I have my airbus tca throttle quadrant configured with spad.next. Controls the apu, apu bleed, engine starter, fuel switches, auto brake selector, throttle axis, spoiler axis and flap axis configured via spad.

I can help you configure many more things, but I don’t have enough buttons on my hardware to assign all that. I do have a stream deck plus but i don’t use spad to control that.

I would like to use the Saitek Multi Panel. Thank you so much.

Huh, I see a few published profiles in spad.next. Attaching screenshot, You may want to search those in spad.

Try and see if these work for you or not.

Ah thank you. This worked! Thank you so much guys. Happy flying!