A310 and A310 enhanced broken after update unable to see any screens


Description of the issue:

After latest update in December 2024, (MSFS Steam on PC) issues with A310 and A310 Advanced. No longer able to see any data on screens, all screens are black. It appears the plane is flying “cold and dark”. EFB no longer allows you to change status such as “on gpu”, “on apu”, etc. Uninstalled and reinstalled A310 and A310 enhanced. All other aircraft are fine. There are no mods downloaded to delete. This occurs every time the aircraft is loaded and does not matter if starting the flight (a) at the gate; (b) on the runway; or (c) in the air. I am not using “developer mode”.

[PC, MSFS 2020 Only] Are you using DX11 or DX12?


[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?


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I am seeing the same issue, and it is being discussed here:

A310 dead cockpit - User Support Hub / Aircraft & Systems - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Thanks a million!

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Are you reporting the issue for msfs-2020 or msfs-2024 ? Asking that since you added the msfs-2020 tag and there was no update for hat version in December, just msfs-2024 has been updated.

MSFS 2020. Forced to download an update for A310 today. Had all sorts of “fixes” associated with it. This happened earlier in December however.

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The thread I linked mentioned that the issue seems to be in both generations of the sim – which certainly seems odd.

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Same. It is odd it’s happening in both sims.

I described the solution to the problem here:

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How do you do this in the Sim?

Set the date 20 december at the World Map under Flight Conditions and then start flight.

This needs a 2024 tag adding to it, the same issue is present in the A310 in 2024. No power to cockpit.

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Same issue here in 2020 right now, no batteries or GPU. Plane is dead even when trying to start it up.

this btw fixed it for me

Hi all,

Are users still experiencing this issue, or has it been resolved?

The MSFS Team

Working now in FS2024. Thxs.

It works but now the UTC time is off by 6 hours into the future. Nothing has changed with my computer time settings.