A310 Cabin Pressure Not Functioning Correclty

I do not believe this was happening in the initial release version.

I’m noting that cabin pressure will show ascending or descending rates on the gauge when parked.

I’ve also noted incorrect cabin pressure and gauge values when at altitude.

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It also happened with the initial release version, cabin altitude stayed around 1,400 ft at FL360.


I think this may be occurring if you accidentally load into the cockpit at the runway with the aircraft already running.

When I realized my error, I immediately quit and reloaded C&D parked. The cabin pressure VS was showing a positive rate.

I immediately quit, again, and reloaded C&D and the cabin pressure is now reading nominally.

I’ll get configured for flight and when I’m at altitude, I’ll report back if the system is now behaving.

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Nixon, you know I love you man. But honestly. Only real world A310 pilots are allowed to use titles such as ‘— Not Functioning Correctly’. For us, simmers, we can only carefully suggest it, wrapped in a question. :smile:

Hint: When the APU bleed valve is left open, the aircraft will experience pressure leaks during the climb without warning. I learned that the hard way myself

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Yes, I would agree with you, however my previous post to yours seems to indicate that the sim chokes and it misbehaves when the scenario I describe occurs.

I’m working out the details.

It’s not the APU, as the VS is indicating a rise in cabin pressure when the aircraft is parked C&D and shut off.


Yes, the system is functioning correctly once airborne.

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This seems to be fixed in the new .29 update

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I’m reporting this issue while operating the A310 with the .29 update, which means it isn’t fixed.

(As of this writing, the beta forum is for .29, which means items reported here are pertinent to .29)

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For me it was happening in the previous version but not now. Perhaps there is something that keeps triggering it, but I’m not awere.

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I’m having this too, have followed the checklist including turning the APU bleed off post start. I’ve tried turning off and on all the bleed/valve pack switches to no avail. It has happened on all 3 flights I’ve done in this aircraft.

As OP mentions, the aircraft cabin rate shows a value other than 0 upon startup. For me, this happens when it loads in to a C&D scenario. I haven’t tried re-selecting C&D after recognising this though to see if the cabin rate resets itself. In my current flight, my cabin rate is indicating a 100ft/min climb but the cabin pressure does not change.


Developer confirmed that they’re investigating this.


So the release notes for seem to indicate this is fixed? Just taken off for a flight and I still have the same issue. Anyone else still experiencing the pressurisation problem?


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Yes, still the same issue here. Developers are aware of this.


Non, did you leave your ignition on? Because that happened when the ignition is left of crank or re-lite.

Hopefully that helps.


Are you suggesting leaving the ignition in continuous relight will cause the cabin pressure to fail?

If so, that certainly isn’t right.

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1.29.30 with ignition on continuously relight from take off to 380. Everything green in range.

Delta pressure 8.2 at FL380
Cabin 7300. FL380

But if you leave ignition on crank,(not a or b) just crank, head to Air condition page the valve is closed, no air. Climb 380.

Delta pressure 7.2
Cabin altitude is about to pop into 10k
Cabin temperature is only -7c and I’ve managed to make everyone popsicles . O2 warning, plane is yelling at me…

Live build cabin pressure wouldn’t rise past 140 and delta pressure climbed into 9s/10s If the ignition was still left on crank or re-light. Everything is working properly for me.

Literally everything looked just like the picture you have on the live build if ignition was on. So I assumed it was still an issue.

Both test are on 1.29.30.


Did two flight with latest beta, first flight no cabin pressurization at all, second flight it worked fine. I did both flights from checklist, no noticable differences in operation. Therefore might be difficult to isolate the issue.


Nope, I didn’t - followed the checklists by the book, and I specifically recall that (it’s part of my usual flow as well). But obviously I can’t go back to check with 100% certainty now! :slight_smile: so will test again when I next fly.

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I had the same issue to but today I did something different.

I disengaged packs prior to having APU bleed running. I took off (with continuous relight, APU off).

During climb out I worked the normal after takeoff checklists (gear off for one). And then engaged packs prior to crossing 10,000 feet. And it worked…!

Also, this time I did not mess with the landing altitude before takeoff.

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Heya :]
Thanks for all the information in this thread, pressurisation is still something we are currently looking at, so this is all very helpful :slight_smile: