Prelimininary Cockpit Preparation
Why will Reverser Levers not shown when clicking eye symbol?
ISDU (where is it and why wont it be shown after clicking the eye symbol?)
VHF Radios … as required. What is required?
Flight Deck Preparation
FMC: Where is the “From Button” resp. why it will not be shown when clicking eye symbol?
FMC: Where is the “Return Button” resp. why it will not be shown when clicking on eye symbol?
FMC: When you hit Auto Complete Item for Init the System will not hit Init Button. The same happens with Clear Messages Button. Why?
Where is the Hydraulic Power Panel and why will hitting eye symbol not lead me to it nor its highlighted? And what can is see there?
Flight Recorder Ground Control On. How can i see if its on?
Pitch Trim&Yaw Damper … Do they depend on FMC resp. IRS? Only Yaw Damper sty in position. Why?
Why do hitting “Electric Power Panel eye button” lead me to “Galley Button”? And what do i have to do resp. what does “Check” means according to a button? It souds like stupid nonsense tbh.
Does Set “Fuel Panel” means hitting these buttons and if so why dont they write hit these buttons?
Why does the eye Button at “Fuel Panel … Set” wont lead me to to Fuel Panel?
Why does eye Button “Ventilation Panel” will lead me to a button? And what should i do with this button?
Why does exe Button “FMA Displays FD1…” wont lead me to FMA Display?
How will i see if i pressed “DH” Button?
How will i see “-5ft” when using “DH”?
Where is the “Captain Switch Panel”? Eye Button wont show it.
Where is the “RMI” and why did the eye Button dont show it?
Where is the “PFD” and why did the eye Button dont show it?
Where is the “ND” and why did the eye Button dont show it?
What is “Ensure no flag”?
What means Check TCAS OFF flag? I cant see any TCAS there where eye button lead me to.
At this point i stopped since its useles with that Check List. Is it broken? What all these points mean and why so often the eye symbol wont lead me to the point nor its highlighted?
General question: Why is no shortcut (ctrl+number) leading to FMC(MCDU) but if i hit eye button i will be lead to FMC and its centered and well to see?