Airbus is using a joystick for control so maybe you should start yelling at them. Not every player has 500 bucks laying around to get a thrustmaster 787 yoke. I have no problems with visual landing a 787 or 747 with a gamepad.
I think they said that the plane performs as well as the default A320 currently as I believe a lot of the systems are run externally if I’m not mistaken.
Also, I love everyone that comes on here with their home cockpits, thinking that is a normal thing that flight simmers should have (of course I would take a home cockpit in a second haha), or how dare they enjoy flight simming otherwise… Get real, IT IS A GAME. People can enjoy it on the lowest settings or the highest settings, on the most challenging settings battling a strong crosswind or on clear skies weather pre set cruising around the world.
I don’t have a Thrustmaster 787 Yoke. There are much more options out of there. I have a Thrusmaster T1600, only 59€, or 127€ if you want it in a pack with a throtle.
I understood gamepad as a xbox controller. If he’s planning to fly with that, he will miss all of simulation. You don’t have to spend 500€ to have a great Joystick… or even a yoke.
Yes, I’m agree with you in 80%.
I don’t have a sim cockpit. I would like it, but my wallet says no.
You can play this sim like an arcade game with a Xbox gamepad, is your choice, but later don’t come to complain beacuse this or that aircraft can’t be controlled well with a gamepad. This type of aircraft is for a high simulation level. If you want to fly with a gamepad, fly the default A320neo. Simple. Complaining, you can only get the developers to lower the simulation level of these study level aircraft. and, believe me, no one of us want that.
You simply have to buy a 50€ joystick.
Honestly you could probably fly an airliner with a gamepad as long as you were sensitive enough with the thumb-sticks, It’s not like you’re doing much hand flying anyway. You would need a mouse or something to control the cockpit switches easily though…
Now trying to fly a high powered warbird like the FI spitfire or Milviz Corsair then things get spicy and you really need the extra control of a good joystick and pedals.
Back to the topic, will be interesting to see how Fenix and Aerosoft stack up with their Airbus products. Not mentioning FSLabs as that is a bit of a different place.
Hey, The Flying Fabio is a Fenix beta tester!
I like that dude, and when he gets to stream it, I hope he’ll be going deep, pouring over the documentation letter-by-letter.
Fabio is one of my favorite streamers. His DC6 tutorials were absolutely amazing. I can’t wait for his Fenix A320 flying lessons.
Does that mean we can finally see the Fenix Airbus in action on YouTube videos? Excellent I was really waiting to see how this airplane looks like in flight!
Yes I know there are a lot of interesting videos about pneumatics hydraulics electrics - but that feels not the same as seeing the whole thing, finally seeing the big picture experiencing the virtual cockpit as a whole (instead of having the camera focussed and zoomed in onto one MFD).
I also want to see how the lower panel looks like, feel how cozy the seats are, look around in the rest of the virtual cockpit to see how good it looks like, see the Airbus fly into the sunset to see the night lighing come on and more.
Wow now the Fenix Airbus truly comes to live!
There is one thing that interests me… is there also a camera for the outside view (I think that camera is mounted on the vertical stabilizer to help the plane taxiing and parking) and for some passenger areas like that little screen left of the yoke just like in the Aerosoft CRJ?
I’m glad 320SimPilot is in the beta. His streams and videos are really chill and enjoyable. Plus he’s a real A320 pilot. It going to be really cool to see what this plane is all about as more info comes out.
The A320 doesn’t have such camera in real life, so it won’t have it in the sim I guess.
Will you just look at these closeups that @fnxaamir posted in the Fenix Discord?
Absolutely stunning, and nuts that this level of in-sim detail can be shown.
Now, where is my cheque book?
You need some gloves before you start touching the buttons.
Incredible. I also read that the liveries will be in the triple digits. This is crazy (in a good way).
Nah, it’s like shopping carts, you just pretend no one else touched them
Like when I go from client to client and pretend I’m OK touching their horrifying keyboards…
I hope you will soon make us happy with your now classic beta preview videos of this A320 from Fenix.
To be honest i touch them at the side and not straight on the handle.
Unbelievable detail! If they include VR controller support I will certainly be buying