[A319, A320, A321] Fenix High-Fidelity Aircraft

Is there anyone out there with a crystal ball who might have an insight when we might get a a review video by one of the beta testers. Maybe 320 Sim Pilot will be up for it he’s usually good for pre-release videos.
I start to get the shakes whenever something new appears about this aircraft…


I’m ok with any wear and tear as long as the bird draws a flight plan that’s not completely insane, and is reliable when controllers give me a cheeky shortcut on my SID, takes me off the STAR, or gives me a late approach change and the FMS/plan doesn’t go mental :joy:

Seriously, I’m looking forward to the day when when controllers or other pilots don’t roll their eyes and say, “ah, you’re on MSFS aren’t you?”


That got me thinking there. I’m currently learning all I can about the A320, in readiness for this release, and I think I’ll have a physical shudder myself that first time I press Battery 1, Battery 2 then External Power, everything lights up, and I hear those clunks as systems fire into life.


Beautyful how you describe it! And Fenix will really care about every single detail and any kind of noise this aircraft makes.

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Never say never, but I’d be 99.9% certain you will never see this on Xbox. It has far too much depth and systems fidelity. IIRC it uses some kind of .exe programme to run, apart from anything else. I agree that I’d like to see it on Xbox (as I use the sim on one) but I’m reasonably confident it’ll not happen.

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It’s not going to be on Xbox.

PC only.
MSFS only.

Yes, we know. Thanks.

Will the Fénix have a separate tiller axis?

They said yes

Maybe it’s a bit hasty, but does anyone know if Fenix is planning to make the A319 and the A321 when they have released their A320? Has it been said somewhere? It’s possible that if they have said it, I have missed it…

Not sure if they will say it. The irony with the Fenix A320 release is, Fenix has really put FSLabs between a rock and a hard place for MSFS. Fenix is probably mindful of FSLab’s moves in MSFS and probably want to push FSLabs out of the market for the A319 or A321.

I can feel for FSLabs though. If Fenix doesn’t announce whether the A319 or A321 is next, FSLabs doesn’t know which one to develop for, to avoid Fenix.

Either way, FSLabs should probably avoid the A319 and A321 all together for MSFS, and target something else in MSFS that doesn’t have any competition at the moment.

FS Labs might do well doing the A330 / A340 since Aerosofts post on the matter:

It looks to me that for the Serious Simmer Aerosoft are just slipping more and more into irrelevance, especially as anyone who wants P3D levels of planes are now considered old customers.

Roll up FS Labs and pick up the mantle/ball


An A330 from FSLabs in MSFS would be awesome. Or an A340 maybe. FSLabs should center its efforts in long haul. The first study level A350 of all simulators maybe??

Interesting and absolute top-notch of course, but I don´t think FS Labs can beat the Fenix quality :wink:

And yes a triple-A quality A350 should be the next Airbus. But I would say yes to any AAAirbus!

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@pgledesma9 Well that’s where Digital Flight Dynamics comes in with their high fidelity in development A350 :wink: Discover350 Ep 1 | DFD A350X Progress Update - YouTube

But only the Fenix Airbus looks so real that cannibal tribes from Melanesia have been observed shooting arrows on this presumed winged demon five days ago. :smiley:


That @fnxaamir teasing us again :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh wow this is beyond amazing!! Impressive. So this means they keep their amazing attention to detail also inside the engines and probably the turbine exhaust too.

Let´s hope the next screenshots will show the low pressure turbine stage exhaust of the engine:

I can’t wait. what painful is waiting!

If this thing actually works, it will set the bar for other devs…