I imagine this will be a simple obvious fix but for sone reason I can’t figure it out. When I fly the A320 that is provided in the sim and I go through my pre flight check list of turning on pumps, generators, ect I can’t turn on “Crew oxygen” I realize this doesn’t effect the flying but it’s a small piece of realism for me.
When I hover my mouse over to click it nothing happens. Do I not have something turned on to allow the oxygen to be turned on? I have seen others in YouTube videos turn the air on so I know it’s possible just can’t figure it out.
It’s a standalone aircraft, if you want to fly the unmodded A320, just pick the Asobo Airbus A320 one. Otherwise this mod adds a FlyByWire Simulations A320 (LEAP) aircraft.
But yes, if you dont want the mod anymore, just remove it from the community folder.
Uh, so we agree its much better but no, not close to study-level. Study-level meaning able to handle failures, alternate law and direct law, secondary flight plan, user waypoints, etc. In other words, PMDG level. Maybe one day, but right now not even close.
Is this more detailed, bug fixed or both ? I’ve just had a very frustrating time being ignored by the autopilot while some ATC numpty squawks “Please expedite your climb to 10,0000” … I’d love to, but it appears stuck and no combination of changing anything makes it work and it refuses to fly more than 190 on the level.
This may actually be me, but in the absence of anything resembling documentation it is impossible to know. My 40 years of coder senses suggest to me the Autopilot is buggy (being kind).
I don’t really want something close to study level, if every tiny light doesn’t work I can live with that. I just want it to roughly work. The jets in standard FSX were horribly limited but they did explain how they worked and what was implemented worked.
That’s definitely not an aircraft problem, the default A320 doesn’t do this either.
Without more info and/or panel screenshot troubleshooting is impossible.
I did fly the real one and the default A320 is ok for my occasional hops. (didn’t like it IRL so I don’t fly it often in the sim)
In fact, the real one can do similar stupid things like both MSFS versions.
And again, that’s not correct based on your own definition. I am not saying it’s study-level but it’s absolutely close and if Aerosoft can claim the CRJ is a study-level AC, so to is FBW’s as it can do everything the CRJ can do, with maybe the exception of a secondary flight plan. The experiemental branch has it’s own custom AP, waypoionts, etc. It’s getting closer and closer every single day.
As I said, it’s a day and night different experience from Asobo’s default.