A320 Displays freeze

“Besides that the world map is just becoming a big guess whether it holds or keeps crashing the game. The point where the mouse cursor or the controller gets into frozen mode. Then the game decides to re-start.”

Same here… Annoying…

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Same issue here… Will this game work one day properly ?


I have an important problem with this plane since the last update . When I fly (with skin Jetstar), at the begginning of descent, suddenly, total shut down. All the screens are off, and the engines are stopped too, without any alarm. The plane, in flight, becomes totally stopped ! I checked everything : no error. The game doesn’t crash, the planed is only off !

I just wish that Asobo would improve the stock a320 rather than spending time making all kinds of features which as great as they are first need a stable platform to build on. We won’t have a decent airliner on xbox for months to come and it would sell like hotcakes even if they were charging for something of a higher quality.


Turned off live traffic a week ago and I thought that fixed this issue for me.

Now all of a sudden my VFR map is frozen again and eventually my Nav Display screen as well in the airbus 320 before evening leaving the gate… was working fine last week. What changed?!

Edit: my constraints button freezes the ND when on. :roll_eyes:

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Me as well on Series X. Its been a couple months sinve ive played and jumped on again and noticed this.

My VFR map freezes on other aircraft as well if i zoom the map all the way out


This has been my primary issue as well.

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Route frozen, but SFO still coming into view.

Eventually the route refreshes randomly on me but now the constraints button triggers the ND to freeze when active.

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Same here!!!

Same here, Never had issues before . It’s all ok to cruise, then it freeze . But it back to normal when I starting descent .

I have the same issue. When pressing CSTR button the ND freezes and sometimes the airplane doesnt even “see” ILSs. (using MFS2020 on Xbox series S)

This is also happening on the 787, so it is an issue affecting both Asobo default airliners. Not tried 747 yet.

Opened the same report for the B787-10 on Xbox…

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If you fly over a waypoint, it’s coming back on track most of the times. Happened to me just now with the A320.

Man, I’m so tired of this ■■■■, every single update is broken. Like this stuff is game breaking, I’m leaving this game alone until I can fly more than 20 minutes and do landing without having to decent and visual land.


Hey all, just wanted to add a link here to this other post we are discussing a very similar issue in in case it helps us get this tracked down and fixed: Missing Navigational Data

It sounds like these could be related. I’m also running into A320 displays freezing and it can be reproduced by using certain waypoint data in a flight plan, it seems we have a problem since SU9 with bad AIRAC/NAV data on the XBox or something related to that.

So if I’m correct the current WU9 update also has some updates to the Nav data. Might be that it will fix at least some of the problems.

Después de SU9, las pantallas predeterminadas del A320 FBW se congelan. Desconozco si he puesto alguna restricción.

Aun poniendo restricciones, no he tenido problemas en el vuelo. A la hora de entrar en MSFS no lo he hecho por XBox, sino directamente por FS.

There was any feedback from Asobo? I was on Holiday

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