A320 Neo Autopilot Navigation

I’m in load the aircraft & set the AP mode. :grinning:
I don’t use the FCU.
Not sure what ‘managed mode’ is.
The way the AP/ALT behaves suggests something is being managed.
I think next flight I’ll hand fly to 12,000’ & then engage ALTHLD & see if that works.

You have to use the FCU.
The FCU altitude is what the AP is using.
If it’s set to 5000 you found the reason for the level off.

What dail are you talking about?

The Altitude set dial, up on the dash panel AP.
It’s to the left of the VS setting dial.

The “dashboard “ is the FCU. Just FYI.

You need to become familiar with the difference of Selected vs Managed mode and how to engage either of them. This is most likely also the cause of the “problem” you are experiencing. See either the FBW beginners manual or the A320 Sim Pilots YouTube.

Also post screenshots it says more than a thousand words and makes it easier to help you.

Thank you, & also PZL104 for inputs.
On a side matter, can the Asobo A320 Neo, FBW A32NX & Bredok3D 737 co-exist in MSFS?
Does the FBW need the Asobo A320 to also be installed in MSFS?

The FBW and the Asobo A320 are two different aircraft and can be both installed without problems. This is how I run it.

I keep the FBW in the community folder and leave the default sim untouched.

I would assume the same goes for the Boeing’s but I don’t know with absolute certainty

Thanks for data.
I have the 747 in Community & it runs ok from there, albeit with muted elevator authority.
I tried to install the stable FBW per their installer & it found & loaded into Community ok but doesn’t show up in MSFS.
While troubleshooting by searching my Community folder I was surprised to find quite a few A320 files in the 737 structure.
I suspect I may have an old FBW installation, hence the A320 search.
I will probably sanitize Community & try FBW install again.

Yes do that. I don’t use their installer. I just download the .zip file from their webpage. And paste the content into the community folder. Gives me better control of the files and their exact location. For install guidance on this manual process see the FBW webpage.

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I tried the above with the Stable version, but no joy.
So I removed that and installed the Development version using the FBW Installer, & it worked!
Now have the FBW going.

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Nice. Enjoy. Next try the development version. It fixes the underlying faulty Asobo flightplanner and let’s you fly those procedures as they were meant to be flown (eg without the turn around bug or strange arcs etc )…. Although it is experimental it is surprisingly mature already.

I usually keep the Asobo A320 installed, because I use them for my Live Traffic liveries since the FBW A32NX doesn’t have a dedicated AI model, unlike the Asobo A320.

how did you configure your controller in Xbox to act like a mouse?detail please am new to Xbox series s and Microsoft flight simulator.only played xplane 11 on my computer.

Are you able to get the FBW to follow a Heading set on the AP/FCU?
My flights are tracking a heading, but not the one I want , & I can’t figure out where they are picking it up from.

Yes most certainly it does.

It is however difficult to diagnose what you are doing wrong (maybe not pulling the heading knob to get to Selected mode). If selected mode sounds not familiar I can only recommend the A320 Simpilot YouTubes or the beginner manual which Flybywire posted on their website under Documentation.

If those things don’t help, post a few screenshots or even better a short video.

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I watched a 1 hour video on the FBW, but at no stage did the flier use the heading knob.
I assume you mean use the mouse to ‘pull’ it?
I have a left & right button mouse with the wheel between them. Despite my best efforts using all of the mouse buttons & wheel, I can’t pull the heading knob out. When I hover the mouse pointer over it I get that blue halo over the knob, & that turns yellow if I click on the knob or use the wheel to turn the knob to alter the heading…
I’ll keep looking at videos. :slightly_smiling_face:

I had a similar issue when I started using a mouse and keyboard with my Series X. I went into the General-Accessiblity menu and turned on the much hated tool tips to help me out. For my mouse - with a clickable scroll wheel - I hover over the altitude button and it goes blue. I hold left mouse button down - button goes yellow and right click to PUSH and click scroll wheel to PULL. This might differ slightly depending on how you have your mouse configured but its worth a try. I tried this on the baro pressure adjustor as it clearly states “ Pull STD”. You then know for sure which button pulls as it will display Std and fron there you should be good to go.

I think if you use mouse and keyboard for whatever platform you have, the General Options → Accessibility → Cockpit Interactions should be set to Legacy, and not Lock.

Lock is only useful if you’re using only controllers without mouse.

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Totally agree but in my case the Xbox has no legacy mode. It caused a bit of initial confusion trying to switch between selected and managed mode but I figured it out.

I applied the dead zone procedure, and the A320 flies off course in circles. Everything was working fine until the Xbox upgrade, which is very frustrating when spending $120 in a game what was working very nicely before the last upgrade.

In addition, the vertical speed knob on the A320 is now inverted, so I have to dial the knob in the opposite direction when increasing or decreasing my preferred altitude climb rate. The parking break does not engage unless I toggle the assigned joystick button.

Have you checked your assists again after the update? Make sure they’re all set to Hard/True to Life.
Then check your flight model again, make sure it’s still on Modern.

Then check on the new setting introduced in the update, which is the General Options → Accessibility → Cockpit Interactions. The new update sets this to Lock. If you want to go back to the old way of doing it, change this to Legacy.

I haven’t noticed any change to the knob direction after I changed the cockpit interaction to Legacy. I scroll down to decrease, I scroll up to increase. This is how it’s always been for me.

Well, how else were you to engage the parking brake without pressing a key or button that was bound to the parking brake?