A320 Neo (FBW) Development version After Hotfix

A flight from Paderborn to Amsterdam testing the Autopilot after the hotfix. Performs better now that the Flaps have been fixed.

Go to 30 minutes for the landing in fog and winds…


Big yikes. Why so far off the localizer on short final? :confused:

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That’s because they tuned in to the wrong ILS frequency :rofl:
108.75 MSA is for the Runway 36C. You can see this in the ND on which ILS signal it’s detecting and tracking as well. But they the flight plan is bringing the aircraft to Runway 06 which should be tuned to 110.55 KAG

That’s why it’s so far off, the localiser is to the left of the aircraft into the wrong runway. Hahaha.

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Go figure lol :slight_smile: at least it’s not an issue with the autopilot!

Post updated

You need to read your ECAM messages, my friend. What does this tell you at 16:16?

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Latest FBW Dev mode …now both AP and ILS works as expected

Obviously, ice detected…so time to turn the anti ice…

exactly. icing will make your instruments and sensors haywire and will report false information to the AP which will make it misbehave.

You forgot to turn on the APPR button at 25:30, that’s why you missed the glideslope when the vertical purple diamond crossed your middle line and you’re too high. You can tell by looking at the 4 white PAPI lights to the side of the runway. You need to have 2 red and 2 white to tell you you’re at the right glideslope.

You’re also setting full flaps and extend landing gear too early and flying too fast. Just use managed airspeed mode and let the A/THR handle your approach speed.

Here’s how I do my approach.

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Thank for your advise and the very instructive video.

After seeing it, I have some questions.

  1. You adjusted the heading manually constantly while you were lining up with the runway on final. Could this not be handled with the LNAV? Or do I misunderstand?
  2. The ATC worked perfectly and all communications were handled by the copilot. What “App” or add-on adds the crewmwmbers and the ATC?
  3. Are you flying with the A320 Neo FWB stable or dev. Mode aftervthe hotfix?
    4.what is your approach speed on final?
  4. You were flying with clear skies…why not live weather for more realism?
  5. The pilot was looking at a printed sheet? What was that?

Sorry for all the questions…but I am eager to learn!

There is a bug on certain approaches in the sim, where the aircraft stops following the nav path, and head straight for the runway. This bug always occur at the same approach every time. But most approaches are usually fine. In this case, I was getting the bug, and I realised it at 06:09:45 that I’m drifting away from the flight path. That’s when I know I’m getting the bug, and I made the captain’s decision to switch to selected heading to take over from the malfunctioning navcomputer.

I don’t use any App. It’s the built-in AI copilot radio assist. You can see me activating it at 11:45 mark. I just turn on all the sound settings and the online data and traffic. And use Azure as the voice service.

I use this mod for my flight crew.

I’m not using the Stable nor the Dev. I use the Experimental Custom FBW version. This recording was made before the hotfix, so the version of the mod was already set with the adjusted flap lift value. After the hotfix, I update the mod again to reflect the new hotfix. I just finished my flight livestream just now. feel free to browse through my YouTube channel for that one.

About 126 knots. You can see this in my MCDU shot at 06:13:58. The value in the VAPP is my approach speed on final, and there’s the minimum VLS speed in there as well. Usually, I add my VAPP to use the VLS speed + 10 knots. But I don’t think I did this in this video because I feel my speed is good enough.

That is already on Live weather. I always fly on Live Multiplayer mode, so it’s always real time, real weather. It just happens to be clear in Tokyo that day. The crosswind is there. and that comes from the live weather. And if you skip my video to my cruising phase, you’ll see there’s a lot of clouds around. So Tokyo just happens to be clear when I made my approach.

That’s the feature coming from the FBW mod, I ask for Metar data that contains the weather, once I receive the message, I print it out, and I enter the weather data into the computer, so the aircraft can calculate my approach speed and heading and pitch according to the weather data I entered.

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solved …question answered

Hello Neo4316,

Thanks to your info, I think my virtual flying skills have somewhat improved, viz.

I am guessing that you are a “real” multi engine jet pilot?

Hahaha… I wish… but no, I’m not. I’m just an aviation enthusiast learning my skills on the MS Flight Sim series.

That being said, I had a look at your video, and while it’s a slight improvement that before, here’s a few pointers.

  1. Within the first 7 minutes or so. You keep adjusting your thrust lever. I know what you’re trying to do here. You’re trying to avoid going into a stall for being too slow, aren’t you? Since the caution stall zone is just under the speed where the auto-thrust is targeting? You don’t need to do this. The A320 has an A.FLOOR protection system that will automatically give the engines full power when it detects the aircraft is about to go into a stall. You’re not even near a stall, so you don’t need to keep adding speed. The speed itself is actually correct.
  2. Your thrust lever is at the wrong position throughout most of the video. Your thrust lever should be at the CLB detent (about 89% power where you heard the first “Click”) for the majority of the flight. The Auto-thrust will handle the power accordingly. You shouldn’t be moving this around unless in an emergency, or when you’re taking off, and when you’re about to touchdown. Every other time, it needs to be at the CLB detent at all times.
  3. The reason why you’re so close to the stall zone is because you don’t have slats/flaps extended. From the start of the video, you should be at Flaps 1. This will give enough lift to the wings when flying at that low speed and it will stabilise the nose pitch, bringing it down to a level.
  4. When you extend your gear and flaps, don’t extend them all at the same time, that will bring the aircraft to an overspeed warning like you get at 09:05 because the aircraft is still flying fast at this stage and it needs enough time to slow down. That’s why you should already be at Flaps 1 at the beginning of the video, and you need to extend it to Flaps 2 at around 06:00 minute mark in your video. Then you’ve extended the gear at 2,500 callout which is fine. At this point, you should be slow enough to extend the flaps to 3 first… and wait then flaps Full. You have to keep an eye on the airspeed. You should only extend the flaps when your airspeed is below the two yellow/brown line, which is the flaps speed limit.
  5. Autoland is not implemented yet. So don’t keep autopilot on final. Disengage AP between 400 and 100 callout, and the aircraft should be stable enough for you to flare and land. The ILS here is a bit off to the side, so you might need to disengage at 400 and line up manually with the runway.

Here’s another video that I did yesterday.

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I enjoyed your video. At landing, I did not hear your AP switch off until just before touchdown. Thought I would hear it around 400 feet…

Also it was good to see someone else try to find the gates at an unfamiliar airport. There is a free App called FS MCA that solves that conundrum…

It depends on the situation really, if I feel like the alignment is fine, I tend to keep having the autopilot on until the very last 100 feet just for the flare. Otherwise, sometimes I do disengage earlier if I feel like the autopilot alignment is off. You might find one that I do turn off AP early in my other videos in my channel. But it would be like finding a needle in a haystack. Hahaha.

I actually use the Taxi Ribbon assists, it’s just that I mod it using Tiny Taxi mod, which makes the taxi ribbon UI to be small, and change the colour to green. That way, it would blend as if it’s a taxiway centre lights. Making it virtually invisiblle, unless you’re actively focusing on it.

I generally disengage autopilot at 500ft or even higher so I get a feel for the aircraft especially if there is a crosswind and fly the aircraft onto the runway , flaring appropriately and retarding throttles to idle just before touchdown
Just my 2 cents worth

Yeapp, that’s one way to do it. But the autopilot can take crosswinds into account anyway, that’s why we also enter the weather conditions to the PERF APPR page. So even on heavy crosswinds, the autopilot will adjust and compensate appropriately so that the tracking is still on track towards the runway.

At this point, I’m ready to toss in the towel!

After what I thought was a great flight, with functioning ATC all the way until final…the sim when nuts the moment the wheels touched the runway!

Can you take a look and tell me what I did wrong on this flight?