A320 not following Flight Plan since Japan update?

lol, it looks like it was trying to draw a face. It got the nose, upper lip and was working on the bottom lip when you took the pic haha


I guess I must have managed to engage the A320 ā€œartisticā€ mode when setting up the flight plan :laughing:


Iā€™ve also stuck to mainly flying the A320neo (since it was the most flyable airliner so far for me) and I just had this same issue. My flight was from KLAX-KLAS, so quite a short flight (about an hour GTG). Started cold and dark at the gate, taxiied, departed all manually. Switched to AP once I reached cruise altitude and then it just continued to bank left (deviating from the flight plan). Iā€™ve never had this issue before until the update today and like I said, the A320 has never caused me problems until now. Iā€™ve also shut down and restarted my PC multiple times after the update. I also have no mods installed, just the default A320neo. This is frustrating!

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I really wish Asobo would enlist the help of developers who know airplanes instead of playing around over there. The folks at FSlabs or Toliss, QW for the 787 perhaps? I mean come on- these constant problems are bordering on the ridiculous.


same issue I was able to do one flight then the next two the auto pilot goes to the right and I have to set it back on course and it then follows it for a bit and turns to the right again. Also had the whole plane turn off on final and mid air too

Same here, AP does randomly deviate from the flight plan. At best it just shakes left and right, at worst it will fly the plane in cycles. I have no mods installed :cold_sweat:

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Check your joystick sensitivities. I didnā€™t see this for myself, but if they fixed that window they could have zeroed out your dead zones and noise from the joystick overcomes the autopilot.


this sounds possible, going to check this :smiley:

FIXED !! TY ZdenniZ

Glad it helped :slight_smile:

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Same issue here, flight plan is not followed, Auto pilot is engaged and does not disarm as some have mentioned. I even turned off controller to ensure no inputs where occurring with no change. Disarming and re engaging AP also does not fix the issue, the AP simply does not work 50% of the time. and when it does work it randomly stops working again not disarming it still lit and shows in the FMA.
Setting to heading mode also does not work with the aircraft just wanting to turn right.
have even had auto throttle wig out on me as well managing to go from 200knots to 500 knots in 4 seconds ā€¦ brilliant.

Honestly this is second major patches now and the Airbus has gone form enjoyable but needs work at launch into not playable. Now its even worse as you cant even fly the thing with auto pilot.
I have restarted 3 times no changes.

Its not the only aircraft thatā€™s getting worse all of them are, the new tour japan with the Beechcraft is unbearable with flight level change causing the aircraft to yo yo in the sky as it tryā€™s to capture altitude.

great update for japan looks brilliant to bad you cant fly anything anymore. kind of the point of a flight sim right ?


Finally, my aircraft has followed the start of the flight plan, but when I tried to land, I turned on LOC (I was in front of the runway with the right ILS frequency, and approach procedure enabled) and the A320 started to move randomly and flight on its own again. I used a flight plan I completed before the update to avoid any mistake.

yep AI was more stable pre patch, used it as it was more stable then using AP, just tried to fly totally ignored FP just flew straight ignored directions for heading change, so i manually flew plane to destination, it then ignored pattern entry, so i corrected it, put it in the pattern, turned AI on again looked good for awhile was lining up with runway, then it just veered to left of runway and proceeded to land on the neighbours ajoining the airport insteadā€¦crash lol next update fix i guess : )

Yesterday i did some A320 flights in Japanā€¦ no Autopilot issues. Today i wanted to do a short flight from EDDM to EDDF and the Autopilot wonā€™t follow the flight plan. I have more than 200 hours in the A320 and this never happened to me before the Patch. I use only the A320, that means, no MSFS2020 for me until an updated (working) Flybywire mod is available again. Yesterday i read a comment, ā€œjust fly without apā€ā€¦ yes i can do that but where is the realism??? I bought a SIMULATOR, not GTAā€¦


Same for me I was able to do a fly with AP working, and right after, was no longer working.

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I tried re-installing MFS, i still canā€™t get the autopilot hdg to work, not even once.


true words and I feel your pain too.

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I have the same problem, the AP does not work in 320. Now we have to wait weeks for it to be fixed? I am very tired of this.


Just curious, have any of you tried to set the joystick/control deadzones to a % greater than 0%. I was having the same issue with the defalt (no mods) A320 yesterday after the patch and I read to make sure the deadzones are not 0%. I bumped mine up to 5% and no more AP issues not following the FP. Iā€™ve flown three flights since then (KLAX-KLAS, KLAS-KPDX, & KPDX-KLAS) and all have been without issues. Maybe try and see if that works. I also went ahead and updated my Windows so that may have also helped the issue. I would suggest trying both solutions before giving up!

Yup Itā€™s the same with me.