I can confirm I’m having the same issue with the latest patch
I have same, flight model has always been modern. Mate has same - nice approach with the airbus mod, as soon as i take off AP on landing and get to about 100ft - all over the place. GA etc is fine, just the jets. Flew FSX and xplane for years, they are fine too.
A320 ;-). For a long time I flew x-plane 11 with Airbus from JAR Desing. Only IFR flights with ILS landings. Model costs around $ 60 somehow! Works perfect.
A320 Neo in MFS still has many many problems. For the moment only to be used with AN32NX. Landing with or without AP is impossible. Touchdown -> A320 moves like a rubber ball or pulls to starboard. There is still a lot of work to do at Asobo. Thanks to FlyByWire. Absolutely not useful without FBW. “Translate with Google DE-ENG”
Autoland works fine for me. Some have reported cycling the flightmodel setting from modern to legacy, saving and then back to modern has fixed the approach issues.
Perhaps the last patch broke that setting and it requires a reset. I always reset and reapply all settings after a patch. Except for control assignments it is a good habit to get into. Both patches have had some errant settings applied by default.
It would help vovice pilots of the A320 if you had described what it is you were doing.
I’m planning to write a guide for the full automated flying and landing for the A320, similar to the way I do it for the 787 guide I wrote. I’ll probably start on it this weekend. So keep an eye on it.
But if it’s specific to that video you’re asking… What happens is that the sim uses an outdated database of the active runway that Pyeongyang airport uses. But the NAVAID that the sim has is pretty current.
So the inactive runway in the sim has an active ILS localiser that’s used for the active runway in real life.
The airport itself, (maybe because it’s in North Korea) doesn’t have any lights so the ATC assigning me a visual approach to a runway that’s no longer in use is out of the question. Luckily, the airport has an ILS localiser that’s active and used on an inactive runway in the sim, so I set my airbus to capture that ILS frequency instead, and do auto land.
IMO none of the default MSFS aircraft can perform an autoland.
All autopilots are presently behaving the same way;
They simply fly the aircraft without any flare into the runway.
Some exhibit pitch oscillation below ~200ft, but this has nothing to do with an actual flare.
None of the airliners are automatically reducing the thrust to idle, which is an autoland requirement.
I realize the flare is bugged yes and it likes to slam into the runway at 700ft per min which is why i hand fly with autothrust for the last 500ft or so, but I am not getting oscillations like you describe. I do use the NX mod so that may have something to do with it.
Just for reference though the 320 will not and should not automatically reduce thrust to idle. At 20ft the system will callout “Retard” at that point the pilot needs to move the throttle levers to idle position. If it is not the AP will automatically increase thrust and go into TOGA mode.
The oscillations are occuring with e.g. the 787.
Nope. IRL thrust automatically reduces to idle on the A320.
The retard callout is only a reminder to position the thrust levers to idle.
There’s also no reason why autothrust should increase thrust to TOGA if you don’t.
Hmm well the 320 manual and several 320 pilots have stated this is not the case. Reducing the trust levers to idle disconnects the AT system. The position between idle and CL will dictate what level of thrust AT can use.
This is stated many times on the NX pilot chat discord so I think you are respectfully incorrect sir.
This video also states the thrust levers MUST be moved to the idle position to disconnect the AT system.
a) Automatic thrust reduction and disconnecting the autothrust system are two entirely different things.
I don’t know which manual you are referring to and which A320 ‘pilots’ told you that, but that’s plain and simple wrong.
b) That’s correct, but again, that’s not connected to the automatic thrust reduction.
The retard mode engages at 40ft RA and remains engaged after touchdown.
Autothrust commands idle during the flare and the FMA and E/WD will display IDLE.
The automatic thrust reduction is one of the reasons why the retard callout comes on at 10ft instead of 20ft.
Well we will have to agree to disagree. NX team has many RW neo technical documents and current neo pilots helping them so…
I believe there is a video of a 320 pilot testing MSFS that states the behavior as well.
Until proven otherwise I will go with reliable info. No offense to you sir.
Again, that’s a quote from an original A320 manual and it matches my own A320 RW experience.
The RETARD mode is only available during automatic landing (AP engaged in LAND mode)
At approximately 40ft RA the RETARD mode engages and remains engaged after touchdown.
Autothrust commands idle during the flare and the FMA and E/WD will display IDLE.
Note: In an automatic landing, the system generates a RETARD callout at 10ft RA which prompts the pilot to reduce the thrust levers to idle in order to confirm the thrust reduction.
In manual landing conditions, the system will generate this callout at 20ft RA, as a reminder.
I’d love to see the technical documents you are referring to.
Got it.
Thanks for the info.
Additional if you don’t reduce thrust to idle manually.
One thing that can happen during an autoland is, that the AP disengages at any time while autothrust stays on.
In this case the RETARD mode reverts to SPEED mode, which means that the A320 will gracefully float above the runway surface forever, because the speed will remain at the set approach speed.
It does this now with throttle at idle. ground effect is a bit over done right now. Lol.
When you fly the jetliners (A320, 748 and 78X) they become very unstable. They they to float a lot, and as you reduce thrust in the flare they become incredibly pitch-sensitive. It makes landing them very difficult to the point of being broken.
I noticed this too. I’ve never flown a jetliner but I never experienced this with PMDG or similar add-ons. The A320 also likes to try to roll one direction or another. Doesn’t seem to happen every landing though, today I had a smooth landing and a few wonky ones.
A side question that may be related: does anyone feel like the Vapp for the A320 is too high? Approaching full flaps at 152kts seems odd.
That’s probably because you’re approaching too fast. On the A320, change your VAPP to match the VLS shown in the PERF->APPR page.
On the 787, approach the runway within the caution airspeed zone. The yellow/brown line just above the stall zone. It should allow you to approach the runway slow enough without generating too much lift to float when you flare.
Are you saying you dont have these problems? I have been simming for about 25 years now, and the jetliners are my favorite cup of tea. In other words, I have extensive sim experience with them. I fly them on the edge of the yellow band because I quickly learned how extreme they float if not. They still float when doing this technique though. And they are SUPER pitch sensitive in the flare. Breathe on your joystick and the thing goes either full nose up or down.