I do have these problems, but I’m an adaptable person. So whenever I see something that doesn’t seem to work the way it should, I keep experimenting and try different ways until I get it to no longer have the problem consistently. Like if you still float when approach on the caution zone, make slight changes to how you flare, when you flare, try different things like flare on 50 callout, does it float or bounce? if it bounce, try it again on 100, how’s it now?
So keep trying different things, and make note of the different behaviour that it does, and once you find the sweet spot, try it again to be consistent… Does it give you consistent result? If not, try something else. And keep going until you can get it right consistently.
I’m sorry, although I think you and I are somewhat alike when it comes to adapting, I dont find that the bugs are as rational as you or I. They come as go as they please, making it terribly hard to get good landings consistently. It’s rather oposite - I get hardlandings most of the time because I dont know if this is the landing where the bus decides to bank to the left during flare and ignoring my inputs. I dont know if this is the one where she doesn’t float, and thus she thumps hard into the tarmac instead.
Whenever i try to land a commercial airliner, on final, the controls for the plane just feel sluggish. I can move my joystick fully up but the plane wont respond to my controls. Has anyone else experienced this bug? It’s super annoying because all the landings i try to make are ruined by this.
Yes, I had this happen in the A320. The problem is that the autotrim was forcing the plane into the ground so my pitch up inputs didn’t work. This seems to only happen when I have flaps deployed close to the ground.
Why was this moved in to the peripherals section? This is an issue that has nothing to do with joystick sensitivity and only started occurring with the latest patch.
Sorry for the confusion… was responding to the post above mine where the member asked me why I moved the OP to the Peripherals category. I was letting him know I moved it back. Will edit my post to make that clearer.
Thank you for your prompt answer…
That’s why inlove this fs2020 forum…you never stay without an answer, and there is a ton of solutions…keep doing the good job. There is a lot of whining, but they are not the majority of the simmers!
i was just looking to see if anyone else sees this type of control problem. I’ve noticed for a while now that roll authority is greatly reduced when the aircraft is over the runway.
You will not notice this effect if you are not hand flying the aircraft and everything is dead on lined up. all you need to do is flair.
I fly the approaches manually below 1500 ft or so. When the plane is in ground effect, almost all roll authority is lost. There is a variable in the config file that describes ground effect and this is what the symptom suggests.
Im going to mess around with this and see if i can either make it worse or better.
Well here is a epic result. I’ve been flying out of KROC airport doing ILS approaches using runway 22. This is the area i used to fly when i was flying IRW.
I get the same symptom every time. Plenty of Roll authority while flying the ILS. Once i go over the numbers, bam, i loose roll authority.
I decided to try at another airport nearby. I used KSYR runway 28. Crossing the Numbers there, no roll authority loss?
I will,but i had the same issue yesterday over EKVG and EDDF, and during a landing chalenge in Bhutan (i don’t remember the name of the airport).
Therefore i think it’s a/c related and not airport
Having the same issue and have tried to find solutions on this forum. Nothing as of yet. Seems like it was better before the last patch. The weird thing is that sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesnt.
Exactly…as i wrote earlier, i had the issue in KEVG, EDDF, and another one in a challenge mode. Today, i tried at rwy ILS 22 @ KROC, on demand of another simmer, but then surprisedly, it did NOT happen…