Hello, I’ve experienced this issue during flight from Miami to Cancun. A320 goes into complete shutdown midflight. Anybody knows how to solve? Proposed solution doesn’t work. Engine generators are on Fault and checklist is correctly followed but plane turns off everytime after 20 minutes of flying
Not really happened to me, doesn’t matter which aircraft. Whenever I read about those problem I think about bindings…wrong or old bindings of prop mixture lever.
Is this similar to what you are talking about? Xbox/PC screens go black then CTD
No. Simply during flight plane becomes cold and dark.
Which A320 are you talking about specifically? Default Asobo A320, FBW A32NX, or the Fenix A320?
There’s so many different A320 in MSFS at the moment, all behaving differently from one another. So it would help greatly in specifying which A320 you’re referring to, so that we can help you with the correct advice.
Flew the Fly By Wire A32NX. I was able to complete route yesterday after the post by putting all the fuel in two tanks. I also noticed that putting beacons on on Saitek panels did turn automatically off one of the Engine Generators. I will carefully check in a next flight if this was tge solution. Any advice is however appreciated
Not sure why people are so crazy about thee A320 aircraft, A lot of people it’s all they fly or care about, is the A320…
First off the most used Aircraft by airlines is the Boeing, such as the 737-800…
he most popular aircraft in the inventory remains the Boeing 737-800 with 841 units (826 in 2019) ahead of the Boeing 737-700 (572 units vs. 579 in 2019), and the Airbus A320ceo (569 units vs. 559 in 2019). In 4th place, we have the Airbus A321ceo (438 vs.
A lot reports about this in the forum (aka “screen goes blank/black” ). Happens to me usually during a longer flight (2…3+ hours). I’m on Beta 10 (XBox).
Simple… it’s not about quantity… it’s about quality. It’s known across aviation industry that the A320 is a much more sophisticated aircraft compared to Boeing. Lots of automation involved that makes it for some people to feel really good flying a high-tech aircraft.
Popularity doesn’t have to be about the number of aircraft being used, they could just happen to be popular not because of the aircraft itself but more for practical reason. If I were a CEO of an airline, I would prefer to have my entire fleet to be Airbus. A320neo for short range domestic routes, and A350 for long haul international routes. But if my pilots are only trained and certified to fly Boeing, it would cost too much for the airline to retrain and recertify my pilots to fly Airbus. Then there’s also cost, if I need to sell flight tickets that’s affordable to my customers, I need to fly aircraft that’s cheaper to run and to maintain. And if Boeing is cheaper on both, then it’s more preferable compared to Airbus. This is just an example. That sometimes decisions to fly one aircraft over the other may just be for practical purposes and not because the aircraft is better.
So numbers on what is actually flown in the real world is irrelevant. Your preference is your preference, and right now a lot of people just enjoy flying the A320 for their own reasons. FBW A32NX, and the Fenix A320ceo.
First off Boeing is just as sophisticated if not more sophisticated then the A320, by far… It has a far better Navigation Computer then the A320, the One the A320 uses is old technology compared to the one the 737-Max uses.
Also Boeing 787-10 even more so…
There is nothing Special about the A320,And there was really nothing special about the 737-800 until the 737-800-Max came And Of Course the 787-10, way far more sophisticated then the A320.
Maybe that is why Boeing is the leading selling Aircraft by far…
Boeing 737-800
Boeing 737-700
Airbus A320
Airbus A321
Bombardier CRJ200
Boeing 757-200
Embraer E175
Airbus A319
Boeing 737-900ER
Bombardier CRJ900
that is the list of both best selling and most wanted by airlines…
Don’t take my word for it tho… LOL
Does it matter somehow? I like to fly the FBW, but the BAE146 as well and my next one in the Hangar will be the 737-800 and the A310. Total different designs and totally different to handle.
Who cares?
You’re only showing the statistics for the US commercial aircraft inventory. Last time I checked, the US isn’t really “the world”. So there are other countries in the world that operates commercial airliners, and the statistics for that shows otherwise.
A320ceo and A320neo combined together outnumber the 737NG series. Don’t take my word for it too…
i don’t care what other countries have for aircraft, any way your screen shot still shows higher active share for boeing lol and way even if a320 was the highest sold which it isn’t doesn’t mean its the most sophisticated, Boeing still beats a320
Oh by the way,
Reasons Boeing is better
**Boeing has produced more recognizable aircraft than Airbus in terms of the sheer number of aircraft, such as the 747, 737, Apache attack helicopter, Chinook and B-29 bomber
**Boeing is aesthetically pleasing, a lot of pilots, passengers and av geeks agree that Boeing aircraft tend to be more aesthetically pleasing when compared to their Airbus counterparts!
**Boeing gives more of a nostalgic feeling of flying, because it’s and older and more experienced manufacturer
**Boeings give pilots a better sense of what the aircraft is going through, most pilots like to know exactly how the aircraft is, in the air. Most pilots agree that Boeing aircraft give that feeling more freely than Airbus aircraft do!
**Boeing’s shareholders trust the company, you’d have thought that after the company’s massive failure with the MAX, that the share price would’ve collapsed for Boeing. Whilst it did, it bounced back incredibly quickly the next day, and after each delay, nothing happens!
**Boeing is an industry leader in innovation, you can argue that Airbus is constantly trying to plug holes left by Boeing, as can be seen in the case of the A380 and 747.
**Boeing aircraft are far safer than Airbus aircraft, despite the recent blunders with the 737 MAX, Boeing aircraft, at least on average, are much safer. Boeing has produced more aircraft than Airbus has, and thus has a higher amount in total, yet on average, it is far lower for Boeing than it is for Airbus!
Boeing is massive, during classic “Airbus vs Boeing” debates, you can’t deny the fact that Boeing is massive in comparison to Airbus. Boeing’s plants are bigger, their aircraft are bigger, their offices are bigger, even their market cap is bigger!
Instant pilot control, during classic “Airbus vs Boeing” debates, pilots usually talk about the sometimes over-protective fail safes, and how they can inhibit more than help. They point out that Boeing allows its pilots to make those decisions rather than a computer algorithm!
Also i might add and a fact not my opinion,
The A320 family has been without controversy either, although, this has been much lower key than the MAX has been. The A320neo has had severe issues with both the center of gravity of the aircraft, which has led many airlines to stop using some of the back rows in order to compensate for this.
The A320neo has also had some issues surrounding their Pratt & Whitney engines, due to repeated glitches causing the engines to cut out mid flight.
The MAX is a much safter as far as a bird strike, the A320 Engines is much more vulnerable to Engine destruction in bird strikes, One Story about that was ( miracle on the hudson Story )
the fan blades on the A320 are much more flimsy and doesn’t have much for protection of debris such as birds…
The New 737 MAX has a Solid Steel screen protection before birds would hit the fan blades while it’s not bullet proof, it is far more protective against Bird Strikes, One Expert said that if Capt Sully was flying the 737 rather then the a320 he would not have lost both engines, and probably not any engines at all, but maybe had some blockage preventing some thrust how ever he still would have had plenty to turn around and land safely, thus proving a point.
In addition to the hard steel screens blocking the Fan Blades, There is also another barrier that birds would have to brake before destroying the engines to the point of failure, is there is 1 set of Fan Blades right in front of the main Fan Blades on the 737-MAX thus even if the birds would have gone though the protective screen, the engines would still have that 1 set of Fan Blades to destroy before reaching the main Fan Blades preventing Thrust…
Thus making the 737 much more safer as far is an encounter of bird strikes…
I could go on, but the fact is Boeing has far superior engineering Then A320 or the AB family aircraft…
That’s a lot of facts… sure… But why is it relevant for people who just “preferred” to fly Airbus. I just don’t see the point in all those paragraphs that you wrote. Let’s just assume that everything that you wrote as fact is indeed true… So what? I’d still prefer flying the Airbus in MSFS in spite of all that, and I just prefer to fly in an Airbus as a passenger. It’s just personal preference, as do the personal preference of other people as well. The same way that I prefer coffee than tea.
You misread the active share percentage the wrong way. The active share percentage is the percentage of the number of a certain aircraft “in service” over the total including the one in storage. This was made by a census report by Cirium Fleets Data of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
737NG’s number of 5,072 in service is 78% of the total 6,492 of 737NG in the world. It’s not about the share against other aircraft.
And we compare aircraft based on its class. 737 is the narrow body small-medium class, which competes with the A320. So based on that census the 737 is only totalling up to 7,468. While the A320s in total is 8,575 units. That means, of all the commercial airline in the world, 53% of their fleet in the narrow body small-medium category is the Airbus A320s. And the 737 only takes 47% of the share.
Even if we’re looking at the numbers of the one actively in service in 2020, Boeing 737 only has 5,623 in service versus Airbus A320’s 6,071 in service.
Boeing is a US company. Of course it’s going to be popular in the US. Saying that you disregard statistics for other countries when I already given you the official report that takes everything into account is called giving into your own bias. Because you deliberately ignored statistics that adds more data to get a more accurate reading on what’s actually happening, you end up trying to fit a small set of statistics that’s ridden with bias to fit your narrative.
The only time that the figures show that the Boeing is ahead, is in the widebody large aircraft category. But that doesn’t mean the Boeing is a more sophisticated aircraft in an objective manner. It’s just that the Boeing 777 and 787 just able to fit more people than the A330 does. Thus it’s more attractive to airliners to operate the former over the latter. But I know where I stand as a passenger. I’d rather sit in an 8-abreast economy of the A330, than in a 9-abreast economy of the 777.
So I’m not sure why we are arguing about this, this isn’t the topic nor the place to discuss such argument. Because we’re getting side-tracked from the actual topic. You just told the world that you’re massive Boeing fan, good for you. That’s your preference, and that’s okay. But that is totally irrelevant to the topic at hand here, so if there is nothing more of value you’d like to add to the discussion, I suggest we stay on topic and address the actual issue of the A320 in MSFS.
I fly the default Asobo A320 and was going good (with this) untill today. Now, for some unknown reason, generators don’t go ON, or if they go ON they suddenly go OFF putting everything black. It’s really a shame for Asobo to sell me a premium 100€ game full of issues since 2020, and just ignore my feedback and emails.
Total shutdown with fbw too.
Game that became totally useless. I go back to Md80. It’a the only plane which gives at least a chance to play.
Users here are useless too, no answer, no suggestion, no help.
Have a nice day and thanks for nothing
Well, I’m sorry that we couldn’t assist you further. Multiple users have come in and offered to help you with your answer and we were unable to help find a solution for you.
Please don’t make those kind of comments to users who have put effort into helping you.
Have a nice flight.
It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact problem since everyone has different setup. I’ve been flying with the FBW for a couple years now and not once have I experience a mid-flight shutdown. So if it is happening to you, then something is definitely different between my setup and yours. Here’s a few things that I can think of:
What are the hardware that you have connected to the sim? Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, Throttle, etc? Generally, you need to take a look at the entire hardware as a whole. MSFS takes all inputs from all hardware simulatenously all the time. So make sure you don’t have conflicting inputs coming from all your connected hardware. If you fly using a combination of Joystick and Throttle Quadrant, make sure you only have an active profile with control bindings from those hardware only. Any other hardware that you don’t use for flying, set their profile as Blank or minimal control bindings. We don’t want the sim to receive “any” inputs coming from those hardware that we don’t want. I am under the assumption that these hardware are feeding the sim with the “OFF” signal, which can explain why you can have a mid-flight shutdown.
Which FBW version you use? I always use Experimental Version, and I keep it updated almost every day before I start a flight. using an outdated version of the aircraft can cause issues such as this if there are bugs or things that works incorrectly. Do you also do the same thing?
How’s your internet connection? FBW relies a lot on a stable internet connection for a lot of things, so while it may or may not cause the mid-flight shutdown. It may cause a few issues for you.
What addons you use? Some addons can cause issues, while others don’t. So giving us information for all the addons and apps that you use might be a good idea to see if there’s anything that is problematic.
So no, we’re not useless, no answer, or no suggestion. We just don’t have the full information on your own setup and what you usually do. So, we don’t know how to help you if we don’t have the same mid-flight shutdown experience to deal with the problem ourselves to be able to give you a solution that may or may not work with your setup since everyone has completely different setup in their Sim.
Because is free… I don’t have money to pay 70$ for the 737