Ciao, è ora di imparare l’Inglese (it’s time to start learning English) :
Did you notice this “weird pause” is actually just the plane reaching 10,000 ft then speeding up from 250 KIAS to 320 KIAS? Then proceeding to climb after reaching the new managed speed as set in the FMGC?
There are lots of rules in avaition. The 250 below 10k is one of them. The plane is only following the rules, nothing more…
New bug started today .,03 version. It is flying full throte and ignoring my AP selected mode. Even putting throttle back under 50% gives me overspeed. The AP just wants to fly really fast.
I assume you have the throttle in the CL detent position? Any other position and the A/THRL will not work no matter what, be it selected or managed.
Once I turn on autopilot the a320 turns right and descends and won’t follow nav…any help is appreciated
Do you have your Deadzones in your Sensitivity Menus all greater than 0?
Seems with the sensitivity revamp in 1.9.3 the 0 deadzone setting will allow the normal “noise” from your controller/mouse to constantly override the AP.
Set all deadzones to 2-5 ish to see if that solves your AP flight path tracking issues
tbh I didn’t play with it, assumed it is what it should be since it always worked before.CL detent position
If you want to fly with the AP and FMGC, just pull back from TOGA or FLEX once reaching ACC altitude (~1600 fl AGL) to CL and then the computer will automatically turn on A/THRL and you don’t have to touch it until it’s time to flare for landing (100 ft callout for me).
No need to look at it to find it though, the PFD will box [THR CLB] at the top left when you have the throttle in the right position (or close enough to it)
I will check, thanks…
BTW when using world globe to make a flight plan, I see I canb change cruising altitude. Is there a way to change speed and each part of flight in NAV log?
I don’t use the world flight plan page to input a flight plan, I’ve recently become comfortable enough to input the FPL directly into the FMGC from the cockpit. I hope someone can answer this though!
I took a look and it appears the only thing you can change is cruise altitude I think it just calculates everything else based on best practices.
Well I manually put it on CL just to check. Same issue. It started today. When I quit the speed was going towards 500 knots. It is just out of control the speed. I didn’t update anything today either. Just a weird bug.
I had this same issue when I first started to learn how to fly the A20N.
Are you trying to fly with managed (FMGC) speeds or selected speeds?
I had this issue when I was trying to use the speed bug to set my speed and all it wanted to do was fly AFAP. Once I figured out how to use the FMGC to manage my speed (and how to input my “selected” speed on the appropriate PERF page) I was much happier with the result.
TBH I’ve never had much luck using the speed bug on the AP panel to get the AP to do what I want.
Selected speed I am using. Until today wasn’t a problem.
Anyone notice installing this causes the CJ4 anti ice lights to be illuminated? when i remove this plugin they go back to normal.
Ah that would explain the pause then…any ideas what would explain the sharp bank to the right mid way through a flight?
Deadzone ruled out?
I have lost the floating bug on the middle of the screen told me next (or final) way point and distance. Didn’t like it , now I miss it … is there a setting I need to reset … I have Head up display on.
change airport
Sensitivity all set to 3% and still doesn’t work. Whenever I click on ap in the 320 it just rolls right. Other planes I’ve had no issues like the tbm930