About the Bugs with 2024

So, again I tried the G1000 C172 today. This time all my aircraft were visible again and I chose the Cessna. I chose the C172 G1000 because of this post and I really wanted to give that aircraft a chance.

Everything seemed to be ok, engine started, I was just setting up the cockpit for flight as suddenly the following happened, see screenshot. Again, no flight today.

Everyday another flaw preventing me from flying. This is what’s preventing a serious flight. And there are so many other things continuously happening that I don’t want to do a flight for my VA with 2024. Some people tell about something happening an hour into a flight and they must abort. No, I don’t want this.

Enough is enough. I won’t touch 2024 again until people here are more positive about it.


What I am finding confounding is the bi-polar threads where people are actively arguing that it is the best thing since sliced bread. IGN’s review: 9/10!

How on EARTH are they not running into all these issues that you, me, and a ton of other people run into every time they use the simulator?

Do they have a massively low tolerance for this stuff?

Are they new users to MSFS and they are in the, “WOW, this is so cool!” phase?

I don’t understand.


A known bug. You can create it on demand by sliding the time of day slider back and forth. It’s related to the sunset/sunrise trigger.

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@kaha300d Case in point, I was checking out other analog aircraft to see if the VOR CDI/HSI issue is persistent in all of them.

I load into the C152 to check and find this:

I load into the DR400 to check and find this:

It is like this for me every session I try to use 2024. I keep finding new bugs when I do anything. It’s crazy making.

Oh, but it’s the best simulator ever. You’re overreacting. Blah, blah, blah.


So, I have no idea if “they” are still reading this thread, but I’m seriously concerned about the rate that bugs are being reported vs. the rate they are being flagged feedback-logged and bug-logged

It looks very much like control over this situation is, well, lost.

Example, this bug was reported 9 days ago and is easily replicated. It’s not even tagged:

Saab 340 Included in tailwheel endrosement despite not being a tailwheel aircraft - Bug Reporting Hub / User Interface & Activities - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

There are SO many bugs in the Bug Reporting Hub that is beyond overwhelming.

How is any of this going to get fixed without being managed? It’s practically a full-time job here.


Actually, I’m encouraged. The big ones I believe are easily within the next patch. The rest would bring us to 2020 levels of stability, don’t you think? If that takes until Q1, I’m good.


I dunno. I think of all the bugs I wrote up for 2020 that are still unacknowledged and/or not fixed.

The track record is what it is, but it can always be broken.

I’m trying to just temper any expectation beyond what the past has revealed.


In my opinion the last big update was in the pipeline even before release (awaiting final touches and certifications). Asobo is now on holidays and their work will resume in January.

I fear it will be much longer than that. I remember in 2020 there would be large bug fix lists in each SU, but the vast majority seemed to be from backlogs of bugs that weren’t even on the list of community tagged bugs. The forum would be talking repeatedly about top bugs they wanted on the next SU and then found out we got fixes for some obscure texture bugs in the Caravan that no one even knew about :rofl:


Yep. Absolutely shocking. How can a company, after finally realising the potential of 2020, go ahead and release this garbage?

Although this has a lot of “potential” I feel this sim will be in a good state by MSFS 2028, when they can break it all over again.


Yes, but isn’t there a whole class of “bugs” that are “out of scope” because there’s no contract for 3rd party developer maintenance on the module? Wanna talk holiday cheer? MS could find some pennies to contract a bunch of 2024 upgrades to existing modules.

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Yes there, apparently, are and that whole poorly managed relationship rankles.

However, I have number of non-2nd party aircraft, general sim bugs that I wrote up for 2020 that are still with us in 2024 and I know of a bunch that others wrote up, too. If they didn’t want to fix them in 2020, why am I meant to believe they will fix them in 2024 and many of the new ones, too?

Again, I want them to prove me wrong. I am willing it to be so!


These memory allocation issues, mentioned in 2 recent posts on the PMDG General forum (Dec 6, Dec 12), make a lot of sense, and can explain why there are many bugs, and why some people experience a bug when others don’t. Memory allocation is a chronic problem, and I think Asobo are probably having to do some serious auditing…

Remember also that - for reasons that defy comprehension - Xbox doesn’t have virtual memory, in spite of being “Windows” and having a relatively fast SSD that could certainly handle it. (yes, I know, System on a Chip, but still…) So this just compounds memory management complexity. I really don’t understand why Microsoft didn’t allow memory expansion on Xbox, or at least a “Pro” or “Flight Sim” Xbox with the Ideal specs…


malloc is a low level C library call, it’s unusual to find a bug there. Previously Asobo described problems with occasional allocations taking very excessive amounts of time and causing stuttering, they said they did change the allocator to resolve this, and at the same time they added the allocation timings to the dev fps counter. If there’s a bug in the new allocator, that could be challenging. I’m sure Asobo have devs with the skills to figure it out, but that is not standard level game or application development. This is unless PMDG don’t literally mean malloc() and instead are talking about an API layered on top of it.


And since WASM is a conversion of C to web assembly, there must be an issue there somewhere… but I’m speaking of the larger issue of memory mangement in all of MSFS. There were so many bugs in MSFS 2020 that were eventually cured by memory optimization. But if I understand, MSFS 2024 started with a branch of 2020 likely a couple of years ago, and we are seeing lots of bug regressions, I assume because fixes applied ot 2020 were never applied to the 2024 development branch…

I’m only speaking conceptually, as I’m not a programmer. Just connecting dots to try to make sense of what has been happening.


Overall preposterous.

It is the small bugs that show a lack of polish on the overall product that always bother me:

Missing key frame for the DR400 and the black background vs the gradient blue on the CTSL:

And this for the High Performance Endorsement:

This lack of polish gives the product such a cheap and unfinished look about it.

And this is the least of its issues, but it still pokes you in the eye just as much.


These small details bug me too. There are so many free to play games with much better polish, much nicer menus and UI. This was supposed to be an AAA product but it seems haphazardly put together. no pride of craftsmanship here.


So much is off, so much is wrong. There should be competition, then I’m sure everything would change. Fast.


Xplane should look into getting some satellite data hooked up.