Guys I know I’ve posted alot recently about Quest 2 settings but I’ve finally found my happy place! Good smooth flying and great clarity in cockpit and outside.
The A320 cockpit was always a but blurred despite other aircraft being clear. Now its all good. I can even see the small AP and HDG buttons on a G1000 in the 172.
So here it goes!!
Slider to 1.3 render
Vertical Sync - Fast
Power management - Maximum performance
Texture filtering - High Performance
Pre rendered frames - 2
Pixel Density - 1.6 (Has to be amended every time you restart or reconnect your headset)
FOV Tangent Multiplier - Vertical 0.7 Horizontal 0.7
(Has to be amended every time you restart or reconnect your headset)
ASW - Off (Has to be amended every time you restart or reconnect your headset)
Distortion Curvature - Low
Encode bitrate - 3664
Bitrate - 500
Resolution - 80%
Antialiasing- TAA
Anisotropic- 8x
Most other settings high/ultra.
Ambient occlusion - off
Lens flare - off
Bloom - off
You will have to see it to believe the difference in clarity.
For anyone wondering i have a laptop running Intel 10900k a 2080 super and 16gb ram
Nice , will have to try that for when I’m using the link option. I’m using Virtual Desktop and it is so smooth since I’ve put my settings to fullscreen instead of windowed for the PC settings in MSFS.
My stutters and low fps (18-22) are now gone!
Virtual Desktop set on High quality graphics , 115 mbps stream, 90hz,
SteamVR set to 100%
Ingame 100% (mix of high, ultra , med)
but PC set to 1920-1080, vsync off and FULLSCREEN (that’s what fixed my stutters)
no FOV sacrifice and still buttery smooth, but I have a 2080 (not ti)
no need to fiddle with Oculus Debug or Tray Tools and the instruments are perfect to read.
I did 1 hour flight in A320 , Hawaii this morning , no hiccups.
But i’ll give your suggestion a try, maybe it’ll be even better using the oculus XR. I’m using SteamVR beta . Thanks for you input!
edit: Forgot to mention, I’m using latest Nvidia drivers too.
I purchased Quest 2 last week and was going crazy with the blur and performance but mainly the awful scenery. Then I found this topic and oh man you got it on point. The 787 and all aircraft cockpit looks crisp and sharp and can even see the terrain very well and crisp at 14,000 plus feet. I feel like it’s quest 2 converted into G2 although I don’t own a G2 yet (shipping in 2 weeks). It’s nearly 4K quality. I Just have to figure out the poor performance with the airliners. Anyways thank you for posting this.
Amazing clarity. Thank you.
I`m on a i9900k and a 2080ti with 64gb and get microstutters on small airports with a DA40. I haven´t checked it a lot because life is in the middle, but I´ll try to do some tweaking this week end trying to get rid of these stutters without loosing too much clarity.