Very Low FPS with High-End PC - Oculus QUEST 2 [SOLVED]

Hello guys!

I need help, I have followed every single guide and I cannot manage to get decent FPS on my oculus Quest 2.

Let me put you in context:
As you can see I have both the Reverb G2 and Quest 2.

  • In what regards the G2: I like the quality and it runs smooth but I won’t use it for simming because of two reasons, 1) the tracking is terrible in my house, the camera won’t stop shaking and controllers get constantly lost 2) the sweet spot is ridiculously small, if I barely move my eyes from the sweet spot everything looks super blurry.

  • In what regards the Quest 2: I have almost managed to get the same visual quality as in the G2 by using the max rendering quality in the Oculus app and leaving the game’s rendering quality at 80/200 as suggested by another forum user. BUT I cannot get more than 5-8fps. (Even if I use the lowest graphic settings in game and I reduce the renderin quality to 1.0 in the Oculus app).

I have no idea what to do anymore, except for the bitrate these are the settings I used: Absolute best settings for the Quest 2

Even if I lower this I get the same amount of fps

My PC specs (not a super high-end graphics card, but it should reach higher than 5fps lol):
32Gb de RAM
I7 9700K 4.6GHz

I finally would like to add that I have managed to get good fps twice, for some unknown reason, but if I touched any option in the fps menus I would go back to 5fps.
I am using Steam to open my game and the game launches with Steam VR but uses Open XR (I did the Regedit thing).

Please help D:

UPDATE: It works perfectly fps wise with Virtual Desktop, so the problem is with the link (I have both the official and an amazon link cable).
The issue with virtual desktop is you cannot get the same clarity as with the link cable by overriding the resolution on the oculus app.

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I’m sure someone else will help with specific diagnostics as to the root cause, but if it helps, here are my current stable settings:

I have a pretty similar rig to you, you should be getting playable results with a 2070.
I’m sure you’ve read it all before, but I strongly suggest you try and get to a stable FPS so you know your base line, then push settings up from there.

I went around in circles, got everything stable, then pushed the boundaries too much (FS2020 graphics and too high super sampling in Oculus) and things went down hill fast. Returning to these settings gives me stable results and I’m slowly tweaking further to see how far I can improve.

Sorry, I missed a part of your original post. You’ve clearly tried similar settings.

Sounds like a Link issue, what result do you get using Device > USB test in the oculus desktop app?


I’ve got almost exact same spec as you except I’ve got an RTX 3080. I used to use virtual desktop but I’ve since gone back to using the link cable set up and now I get the best optimised VR experience I think I’m currently going to get. Just waiting on the new Nvidia drivers.

My set up is pretty simple.

Use the link cable and run the Quest 2 through the tray tool. The link cable isn’t as efficient as the virtual desktop method but the upside is you can ditch SteamVR and optimise the headset from the tray tool. For me its a much better set up.

I run the headset at 90Hz with a render resolution of 5408 X 2736

On the tray tool I run
Default Super sampling = 0
ASW mode 45Hz forced
GPU scaling = On
Mirror field of view 0.60 0.60
Distortion curvature = low
Encode resolution = 3648
Bitrate = 400

Sim settings are mostly all on Ultra. Render resolution at 100.

The best thing I did was to ditch SteamVR. It just added no end of extra faffing for me. I’ve had a much smoother experience since doing that.

Hope this helps.

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Thank you a lot man, unfortunately I had already read your very detailed post, I tried following the steps but I was unfortunately unsuccesful.
I will though try to do it again and check in the task manager what is happening with my components usage and get back to you, there has to be something that is causing the fps drop through the link cable, I just cannot find what D:

Sorry, I missed a part of your original post. You’ve clearly tried similar settings.

Sounds like a Link issue, what result do you get using Device > USB test in the oculus desktop app?

Thank you a lot for your reply! One question, I read a lot of people saying you can ditch SteamVR, but you always have to launch it if you own the game in steam in order to use VR right?
Or am I getting that wrong? Is there any other way to use VR without launching the app of steamvr? If so, could you please tell me the steps I should follow?

No problem man! It does sound like a link issue, here are the results I get from the oculus app:

I’m confused, often reading posts bout steam VR… I’ve never touched or seen anything to do with Steam VR.

I built my PC last week, installed windows and updated drivers etc.
I downloaded Steam
I downloaded Oculus desktop App
I installed FS2020 from Steam
I followed these instructions as per the official FS Zendesk:

• Oculus users please opt-in to the Oculus Rift Public Test Channel to enable support:
Oculus Rift Public Test Channel

Before using VR in Flight Simulator with an Oculus headset, the computer needs to know the location of the OpenXR runtime to use. Please follow the steps below to set this location in the registry:
1. Right-click on your Start menu and select Run.
2. Type in “regedit” (without quotations) and hit Enter. This will launch the Registry Editor.
3. Locate the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenXR\1
4. For ActiveRuntime change its value to the one that matches your platform (note: default path is shown below):
C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-runtime\oculus_openxr_64.json
5. Close the Registry Editor. You are now ready to enter VR with your Oculus headset.

Then I open FS2020 using the desktop shortcut. Entered VR. Then began the journey with settings… installed tray tool later etc etc.

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Yeah you can use the Steam version of the sim and not run it through SteamVR. This is what I do.

In your Kronos OpenXR registry you need to change it to the Oculus registry. If you’re running it all on your C drive just copy and paste this

C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-runtime\oculus_openxr_64.json

That should point it in the right direction. Now you can boot up the sim and when you’ve hit the ‘ready to fly’ button go to settings and hit the launch in VR button and it should connect you in.

Edit. 2.0 Ghz is fine for your link cable. Thats what I get.

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Indeed, I get 2.2 Gbps, USB 3. Should be fine…

Let us know what you discover on the not using steam VR front.

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Oh that is what I did, but it still launches the Steam VR app, I guessed it was using Open XR though

@CroppingPoem113 I mention you since those are the same steps I followed, ■■■■ I might have to format the pc and reinstall everything again, seems I did the same as everyone but it is not working for me

If all else fails you could try deleting SteamVR entirely.

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Can you uninstall steam VR? Is it a separate app that you download?

Sorry I’m not familar with steam VR at all.

Reformatting seems like a big step…

Yeah its a separate app.

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Thank you both again !

Yes you can @CroppingPoem113 , I will try doing it before I format, just one more question since I do not want to bother you both any further, are these the same settings you have in your SteamVR menu? @Mobias7

I don’t use SteamVR. Got rid of it entirely. I don’t think you need to reformat anything.

Have you got the Oculus tray tool set up?

I do have it, oh so you can get rid of it entirely?? Wait, that means I have been doing something wrong, I will try to launch the game directly through the headset without using steam and get back to you in a minute.
I do have the oculus tray tool but I have not used it yet!

Yeah you have to get rid of SteamVR entirely. Try launching the game and when you’re sitting on the runway ready to fly launch VR in the sim and hopefully the sim will see there’s a headset connected.

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1- I CLOSED Steam VR
2- I launched the game through the Oculus Link (INSIDE the headset), this is VERY important, this is what was causing my problem. SInce I always launched it from Steam, steam VR would open with it, but if you launch it through the headset it will give you an incompatibility error and suggest you close Steam VR, since “having it open would cause performance issues”.
3- I activated VR from inside the game
4- Voilá, 35 solid fps !!

I would have never found the issue without your help man, thanks a lot!

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