Achievement guide and discussion

it’s only applies when you fly with the planes that comes with the standard version.

Cheers for the input. - Regarding the Pitts, yes thats for the Jack of all Planes. I had actually thought the distance was 300 nautical miles which is just outside the range of the Pitts.

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Finally, got ‘My Way’ achievement today, after few dozen tries in past weeks. This time I used Little Navmap to monitor parking spaces. First flight today I arrived to find another plane on my pre-selected parking spot, and I couldn’t acknowledge taxi instructions (stuck on “Say Again”, not sure where this glitch comes from, parking spot assignment of airport issue). Second flight I had more luck, pre-selected spot was vacant with the crew waiting there, and once I came there the achievement popped.

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ATC bugging out - I saw this last night.

I was using VRFMap (uses simconnect to ■■■■ data from game to a map) for the first time ever last night in a flight I’ve done a few times for Jack of All Planes.

My ATC bugged out completely, wierd delays like I was being presented with my responses before the ATC instruction was broadcast. ATC not getting the squawk. Wierd stuff I’ve never seen.
It took a while to truly manifest but when it got really bad I closed the VRFMap browser and it fixed itself.
Does NavMap work the same way? (■■■■ data out if game in real time with simconnect? Port 9000?
Might be related?

I never installed Simconnect. I think Little Navmap has ability to connect to MSFS on its own. It shows data from the game while running at the same time (player’s aircraft position, wind, other aircraft around etc)

I haven’t installed it but I downloaded little NavMap and it does appear to have some simconnect references in the folder.

If we assume that it doesn’t run within the game and relies on data is pulling from within the game over a network then there are similarities there with VFRmap

you can give yourself a little bit of a tailwind, and that still counts

if you get really bored, take two ocean cities 300nm apart, then slowly bump up the tailwind. Make sure gust direction is exactly the same. Do 20kts at a time. Go too fast and it will overspeed or stall (depending on if you are adding or subtracting). See how much of a tailwind you can stand :slight_smile:

This is exactly what I have been doing on the last few aircraft to complete achievement with the planes from the standard edition. There are some loooong flights in some slow planes and testing your skills with real weather or tail winds can liven things up a bit.

Great tip @jonasbeaver

Been making good progress so far. Only a few left, but those will come along eventually. Not going to put any specific effort into them.

This is great, keep going its very satisfyng when you tick one of the more challenging ones off. The Jack of All Planes is the most labourious in my opinion.

I am intrigued as to how you managed to get a completion bar on yours?? I only get this… Is there a way you have changed it?

I just click on the ‘View my achievements’ link in Steam. Incomplete achievements show at the bottom with progress bars there.

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how did you manage 8 weekly activities?

Did them all from release.

So have I, but I’m only on 7

Don’t know what to say, you must have missed one (or it didn’t register). I think a few were only up for 1 week, like the Halloween landing challenge I think it was. Not sure. The discovery flights (Japan / USA) counted as well.

Fly high and fly at about 70% power and she will easily get the required distance covered.
Because I fly mainly in the Canary Islands I had not too many options to get the required distance without relocating :slight_smile:
My route is GCLA to GMMA with a couple of VORs for orientation thrown in. 342nm according to LNM. Made it without any trouble in the Pitts at 9500ft with a light crosswind the entire way.

Not sure if others have this as well, but with the update of today all of a sudden my flights of fancy (3 different planes types 300nm) unlocked while starting up the game…

■■■■■ wept what do you have to do in order to satisfy the conditions for Jack of all Planes in the Savage Cub?
2nd fully hand flown flight 300nm+, True to life setting. Live weather/time, live traffic etc. DAHS>DABC (320nm) - my trip was maybe slightly further because I drifted during the trip and was navigating by landmark/road.
No VFR map, no simconnect add ons to help navigate (no sim connect add ons at all), didn’t use the co-pilot option at all. Parking spot to parking spot.

Another flight of almost 4 hours…result? Nothing.

Worth noting. In the log book this flight is recorded (as DHAS>DABC duration 03.47) however I checked my airports landed at and…that number has NOT advanced. It’s still the same number I had from last nights flight.

Tried to set up quick flight out of that airport and return to see if the airports landed figure would advance and…CTD

Jack of All Planes doesn’t have to be parking spot to parking spot. You can fly from runway to runway, it should log as soon as the logbook registers landing.

Did you have developer mode turned on?
This will prevent the flight from being logged in the logbook, and also might block achievements.

If you’re landing at a towered airport, then wait for the call to exit next taxiway before turning of the runway.
If you’re landing at an uncontrolled airport, report ‘clear of the runway’ after you’ve landed. These things might help (helped me get the achievement anyways).

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