Activating Packages takes 20+ mins on every start of the sim

Sí. 97% desde 30 minutos.

I load in 2 minutes or thereabouts, sadly loading the game is about all I can manage. Terrain streaming can barely manage 100 knots from a Cessna, increase speed and frame rates stop altogether and the sim locks up.

This game will never be playable in my opinion. They will never sell me anything ever again.

Good that the threads have been merged, but we still need that Asobo acknowledges the issue and log it.

At least now we’ve got more eyes in this one thread, hopefully people can start adding more votes and increase visibility

It’s also possible that maybe if this will be fixed with the introduction of the marketplace they aren’t bothering to log it as it will just inherently be resolved with that change

Still some kind of acknowledgement or stating such would be good peace of mind for many

Hmmm…interesting (?) update.

I used the workaround to disable the ethernet connection before launching the game, which worked.

However, now when I launch the game the text displayed is different. Even after restoring the ethernet and booting the game like normal with it enabled.

Before, the 15 minute delay would start at 6% “Loading Language”…then at 8% switch to “Activating Packages”, until about 20% when it would switch to “Loading SimObjects”.

Ever since I used that workaround, now even booting it up, it still takes 15 mins but I no longer see “Loading Language”, it starts at “VFS Activating Packages” at 6% up to about 20%.

Prior to using the workaround I never saw VFS, it was always just “Activating Packages”

So behaviour seems unchanged but the text indication is different. I don’t get a Loading Language step at all anymore.

Also I notice the intro video was perfectly smooth before, and now it stutters and freezes while loading ever since I used the workaround.

Really odd.

I tried the woraround too, but thats no solution for me. The loading process stop at 10% VFS activating packages.
I have never flown every day new ideas and tries.

I have this issue.

1st time i tried to load into the sim i was maybe 5 mins which is great.

Trying to get in the sim right now I am at 16% activating packages and I have been like this last 30 minutes already!

Its impossible like this.

1GB connection and location Malta EU

I don’t know why it’s taking them so long.

To be fair they havent really commented on any bugs aside from the small Known Issues list. I do see there’s quite a few marked as logged here that arent in there either.

I think we need to wait for the first Q/A and dev update to give us the bigger picture, if we don’t hear about it there I’ll be very worried

Unfortunately, the work around doesn’t seem to work for me either. It’s taking about 30 minutes to load every time.

I went from 3.5 minutes initially to 4.5 now, no idea why. I have one aircraft in the marketplace, but also have all of the world updates that I claimed, and I’m sure that’s what’s taking so long for mine to download. Once the packages download, it takes an additional 30 seconds or so to get into the main menu. No issues at all flying. I hope we can disable those world updates. I only fly in the UK, so those two are the only ones that would be relevant if at all.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• I have the Aviator edition with all the extra planes for MSFS 2024. I also have a lot of MSFS 2020 planes, encluding all 40+ Red Bull Racing DLC planes, PMDG 737-7, and several others. My load times are at least 20 minutes every time, mostly stuck on “activating packages”. By comparison, my friend has only the base game with no additional planes from 2024 or 2020. His load times are consistently about 3 minutes.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

My Settings:

  1. Perihperals: Virpil stick/throttle, Thrustmaster pedals, Cougar MFDs
  2. Not using developer mode
  3. DX12
  4. Most current Nvidia drivers
  5. 9800X3D, 4080 Super, 64 GB DDR5, 1000 Mbit internet

I have found another workaround which works fine for me, after reading posts here.
The problem is maybe related to utilization of network and performance resources to the game.
I installed the asus gaming first app, and now it loads very quickly! Before I had a headache, sitting in the boot screen for at least 10 minutes.
Problem solved for me
Let me know if this also works for you.
Kind regards

I have the same problem really frustrating!

The official blog stated that there was a problem with the app slowing down due to the loading of add-on files and linking at startup. I was relieved to see that the official blog stated that they would be dealing with the issue.

Check if your system clock is well synch; it worked for me to resynch windows clock


Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• 30 mins to access sim

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:
• store version, fast internet takes 30 mins every time
just uninstalled and reinstalled community folder empty
exactly same takes most of the 30 mins up to 17%
just tried disconnecting internet waited till screen says need internet reconnect and boom 2 mins and in thank you to who ever found this out

Oh, yes! It worked. Thank you, kind man!

1 Like

It’s possible mine is not synced (happened before), I’ll check this.

But why not being synced would affect the loading time?

This is it. This is the fix. I tried everything else people suggested and nothing worked until this.

My last system clock sync was way back in September - it had fallen about 2 minutes behind.


Everyone needs to try this.

Go into your date/time menu in Windows and sync now (i toggled Set Time Automatically off and back on as well, just to reset it, not sure if thats required)

My startup time went from 20 minutes of Activating Packages to 1.5-2 minutes from launch to menus. It feels almost instant. Amazing work