Just like the headline says. I was pretty shocked to see that all missions in career mode were given locked, pre-determined weather. A lot of the immersion I expected in career mode is flying in our local regions, while fighting through the live weather I am currently looking at outside my window.
So far, I have done a number of missions around Boise, Idaho. IRL, it was cold today with some awesome clouds and a nice, fresh dusting of snow on the mountains. I flew a few missions and they were all a high of 60 degrees and partly cloudy conditions. A far cry from the 38 degree, strong wind, and wintery conditions we were actually experiencing.
Of course, maybe some missions might need a locked weather/time setting, but I shouldn’t be forced to ferry a client in 60 degree partly cloudy weather if, in reality, it’s beautiful fall colors with a light dusting of snow in the Pacific Northwest.
Please give us the ability to change time and weather conditions in career mode!
That is awesome @MrLagwalker. Thanks for that. As a mostly VFR pilot, I wasn’t planning on getting my IFR cert. It would be nice if live weather open from the beginning, so I think the request still stands. But, I guess I’m off to get my IFR! Thanks for the heads up!
I would love this option to add somewhat of a variable difficulty in career missions. I understand this is a bad idea in ranked challenges, everybody should have the exact same circumstances there.
But in Career-Mode, where we’re in our own little cozy space…
I think this would add a lot of realism to the whole thing.
Should there be an unflyable storm - Just stick to “Clouds or no clouds”.
**But in my opinion this would GREATLY enhance the career experience. ** To me this idea looks like the execution requires low effort for big rewards.
@SteffoBP Thanks for joining in with this idea. Just an FYI, we actually CAN have live/editable weather in career mode, BUT you have to pass IFR and Night certifications first. I guess having an IFR cert does make sense in a realism standpoint, as you wouldn’t be allowed to fly in bad weather without it.
Anyone able to use live time in career mode? I see the weather, but the time keeps going back to August 2022. Is it a bug or was this done intentionally?
The problem is, once you get your IFR rating live weather unlocks. Now, the weather is very windy all over Europe and it’s not possible to fly properly in a C172 in such conditions. And since I’m still at the beginning of Career mode, I have no option to fly anywhere. Restricted to aircraft, location and live weather essentially traps the player.
What I’d like is actually an option to turn OFF live weather, and use presets instead. Or if certain missions mandated live weather while others provided the option to choose the conditions.
Moreover this wrong date settings have an impact on the scenery, and during autumn / winter weather there are green trees, flowers and everything is blooming.
As I could notice EFB settings are correct when the mission is chosen, and right before starting the mission, but when mission is fully loaded and you are in plane EFB shows wrong date / time set to 15 August 2022.
This happens to me every time I use live weather history for live missions (24h). When I fly live mission with live weather but in real time - there is nothing like this and everything is correct.
I haven’t noticed this issue when flying free flight. Only in career mode.
Every other missions which are not able to play live (green ones) have time and date set different than three real one, but I guess it has to be like this.
If I move the time slider back, some missions will get a red dot.
For these it seems, historical METAR data is available and the mission start time will be set to the same time which I did set the slider to.
The missions without the dot will still have their original time set.
Unfortunately, so far I never see any such red dot for the night time,
did any of you?
Nope. No night flights visible for me. I have certification done of course.
Weather seems to be loaded from history but as I wrote before, date in mission is set wrong - to August 15th 2022 every time.
The missions get very old after getting IFR certified as every mission has horrible weather. Therre is no nice weather here and bad weather there. It is all bad. I did about 100 missions iun my local area with the sun shining outside and flyting through rain and clouds at 2000 feet AGL in the sim, and noit seeing the airport until I was below 500 feet AGL. So much for actual live weather.