I’m new to MSFS and was wondering who the big hitters in creating add on sceneries are?
I remember MR.X made incredibly good scenery for Xplane and with little fps loss. Who is the go to designer for MSFS 2020? Thanks
Topic moved into #third-party-addon-discussion:scenery-packs where this can be discussed
I’ve got stuff from allot, but consistency wise, I enjoy;
- REX (AccuSeasons)
- FlyTampa
- RomanDesigns
- FSimStudios
- iniScene
- Drzewiecki Design
- FlightBeam Studios
- LatinVFR
There are tons more but those seem to be the “bigger” ones right now.
Cool! Thanks for the info
Hi there. You might be interested to check out a little “Top Charts” I started about Airport Addons.
Here’s the thread with a link to the current “leaderboard” (Google Sheet)
I also do one for Aircraft and for World Addons if you’re interested in more stuff