Add the Hangar back to MSFS 2024

Please can you add again the beautiful Hangar in msfs2024.So that we can once again admire the aircraft and cockpit in all its splendor.As it was in the 2020 release. Thank you.


In MSFS 2024 Aircraft Inspection Is Gone, there is no way to view the aircraft by camera angles like in 2020. and there is even no dedicated menu for accessing the aircraft themselfs, only by going to configure controls for them or choosing free flight. and even when 2024 is showing the aircraft, its being shown for some models as very small model, which can hardly be seen!

hope aircraft inspection come back instead of the static aircraft pictures in 2024.


Very Tiny Model For Powrachute:


The hangar was the “wow” factor for me in FS20. Now I see only static pics of aircraft. Isn’t there a way to atleast rotate or explore the interior before flying it? Also where can I find the aircraft details?


Unfortunately, it seems the background info about planes are also gone, they now give you planes just to fly with no info, which is very bad beside the bad pictures. Not adding any planes to the collection any more, until “my hangar” is back. whats the point of deleting “my hangar” which gives you a showcase inspection by camera angels of your collection of airplanes and background info about them, its just crazy bad.


I really miss the hanger from fs2020, the plane selection in fs2024 is terrible, sometimes you can’t even see the liveries due to the angle of the picture as well as some planes being tiny in the viewport. I hope that the original hanger can come back, but I won’t hold my breath.


As it goes: “no parking spot = no parking”, lol.

What I miss most is the quick interior inspection, so I can see what kind of avionics the plane has and what the cockpit is like.


MS is forgetting about the real purpose of the sim. For many, it’s an introduction to aviation. That little info about each aircraft instead of googling it is so valuable even for seasoned simmers. I remember my FS98 copy came with a CD called “World of Flight” which was window to a little history of flight and had me hooked. Ofcourse there was no google back then but I wish MS had carried forward that legacy with maybe a separate little section on the evolution of flight and tid-bits about each default aircraft and the purpose of including it in FS24. That would have made the sim complete.


I personally don’t want to have the original hangar view back as the cost of it was too much when it comes down to overall resource consumption and it didn’t fit all aircraft sizes and types. I pretty much like the more minimalistic approach now.

However I’d like to see it getting improved like adding a showcase mode on which we can inspect the actual aircraft like it would sit on a turn table, zoom in and open doors and also hop into the cockpit. While on showcase mode the aircraft information could be displayed in a similar minimalist manner on one side of the screen.

That mode could be triggered by some showcase button which will remove the rest of the menu and zoom into the set “exterior view”.

This is at least something I know from car manufacturers - as my girlfriend configured her Audi some weeks ago this is what they at least do in such case :wink:


?? the showcase mode you suggesting would be just as resource hungry as the old and tried hangar view . Asobo made some very bad decisions for this supposedly " next gen " sim …


Nope, it wouldn’t as it won’t need to load that fake scenery just for this.

It’s a few hundred thousand to millions of triangles less and a few hundreds of megabytes of textures less just by getting rid of that fake hangar.

fake scenery … well, everything is fake in a game . The point is , nobody ever had any problem with hangar view . It was a good and logical starting point for a flight simulator. However asobo is pushing more towards the casual arcade game style with the single-player missions as the main feature so from their point of view the lack of hangar view makes sense I guess …


What doesn’t seems logical, how they goanna sell aircraft in the new marketplace, just by pictures? if they do include info about them in the marketplace, wont this be strange to not to include them too in the sim, instead of going to the marketplace to know a little about the aircraft you already purchased from there?!

& while the reason for removal maybe indeed to reduce resources, but since 2024 is all about streaming, why the aviator edition gives me 125+ planes, just to see pictures of them. i specifically had aviator edition to wait and see them in “my hangar” and from that point to build a unique collection in top of that. seems these plans have to be canceled or wait, depends on how the roads ends.

The last reason i could think of for the removal, that the devs saw the option for quick selection of aircraft is sufficient, specially with the new features introduced to inspect aircraft physically during preflight. but that way too different in purpose from “my hangar” which aims at showing the collection it self as a collection, not by individual plane for pre flight. also, this basic standard design with no showcase, makes your collection unvaluable, unless you just interested in only flying those planes, not showcasing them in a special collections, nor having info about them in that showcase.

Even every home have a parking spot, why a sim with hundreds of planes cant have one? hope they change that, in bad case scenario, i will stick to certain versions, or not invest into building collections with no value as a collection. so I Just will fly some planes with no info about them, and just to fly, as they want us to (currently to be fair).


Now I start to wonder how a rotating hangar view is less arcady than a fixed plain 3D quarter front view?

I guess the “sim vs game” topic was somewhere else - imho that is pretty irrelevant over here as even X-Plane 12, the “sim to rule them all” for some does not offer any hangar view. In fact that’s XP12 for you without any 3D rendering:

To me that’s only a matter of taste and not any indication for something else.

The resource requirements could be worked around for that if one used the experimental low powered mode in msfs 2020, there the hangar is not everpresent in the menu backgrounds but a blurred out static screenshot of it serves as the menu background. But the hangar was still accessible if one wanted, but now it’s truly gone in 2024.

About the size and fit, yes I agree that could have been improved, but compared to your suggestion of a turntable where the aircraft sit, I think the hangar is far better. I feel the hangar grounds the plane is a more relatable environment. Cars on the other hand are fine on a turn table.

And in any case the current aircraft / variant / livery selection UI is just awful. And I thought 2020s plane selection UI was bad, well atleast it was quite functional. The only thing it required in my opinion was a favourites list which is still missing in 2024 and a variants page may be (bad implementation, again, in my opinion, available in 2024).


Even better, make a lot of hangars and optional stuff to show in it. Let us make ourselves our own hangar!


Dear Dev Team,

Walking around the sim has become my second favorite activity, right after flying of course. It is a great addition since the aircraft actually feel big now.

I would really wish for a Hangar Showroom where we could display our aircraft and walk around. Maybe even customize a bit? The Hangar in 2020 was great and the abillity to walk would compliment this in a good way.

Thanks for all your work already!


Sounds Great, if devs dont want to bring back the amazing “my hangar”, i hope there would be some addons that bring it back, with even more features.


we need the hangar back asobo !