I normally use AIGTC to inject offline AI traffic and have AI traffic in MSFS turned off.
Is the correct way to add General Aviation traffic with this setup to install the Offline Traffic Mod at Offline AI Traffic - Stock Traffic BGL Fix » Microsoft Flight Simulator , but only the GA part, disable the MSFS offline traffic by replacing the layout.json file in the stock MSFS traffic files and then turning offline traffic back on in MSFS?
I just want to make sure if the above is the correct way to do it and if so, what about the generic aircraft setting?
I had tried with keeping MSFS traffic turned off and not messing with the stock traffic file (only installing the GA Traffic file from the mod) but that doesn’t work.
That’s pretty much what I did too, except I didn’t mess with the layout.json file, this isn’t necessary if you opted to let AIG rename your stock MSFS traffic file… I have offline traffic enabled in MSFS, both generic settings to OFF, and the other to ULTIMATE.
Hope this helps.
Thank you. AIG had never disabled my stock traffic file. I turned offline on this morning and then launched AIGM and it asked if I wanted to disable that file. I selected yes and verified that it changed the extension to .aigoff before closing AIGM window (I know the servers are down but ran it just enough for it to rename the traffic file).
Next I set my options to this:
I have addon linker placing “offline_ai_traffic_ga_fixed” in the community folder. Now it’s off to test.
Looks good! Note that AIG recommends to set ground aircraft density to 0, otherwise you will get random MSFS models/liveries. Folks usually still enable this to fill ‘empty’ airports where AIG doesn’t have any traffic / models defined for it, but now that you pull in the MSFS default GA traffic there’s really no need for that, I always find at least a few Cessna’s etc on practically every airport
That seems to have done the trick. Taking off out of Albany (KABY) and plenty of GA with map also showing GA and AIG aircraft filling the skies.
As to the Ground Density, that was so that at least some GA would show on the ground before (even if not in the skies). Now I’ve lowered it back to 0 and with the GA flight plans still have some GA show up on the ground.
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This is what my skies look like now.
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Don’t know if this did it, but I got a CTD half way through my flight and that’s the first CTD I’ve got in quite some time. Will keep an eye on it.
EDIT: Second CTD using this setup. I think I’m going to restore the trafgfic file (remove the AIGOFF from the end of it) and use the layout.json that came with the mod to see if that fixes it.
Ok, after a few CTD I removed the “.aigoff” extension placed on the stock msfs traffic file and then exchanged the layout.json file from the mod with the stock one. Was able to complete my flight from KABY to KSAV with no issues.
Those having issues with CTD after installing AIG, see if you have the “.aigoff” extension added to your stock traffic file (\fs-base-ai-traffic\scenery\world\traffic) which should be named “trafficAircraft.bgl”. If it’s named “trafficAircraft.bgl.aigoff” then rename it to stock. Next go back to the \fs-base-ai-traffic\ folder and look in your layout.json file.
Stock would be something like:
"content": [
"path": "scenery/world/traffic/fs10.AircraftTypes.csv",
"size": 4888,
"date": 132379022900000000
"path": "scenery/world/traffic/trafficAircraft.bgl",
"size": 39898195,
"date": 132544201630000000
"path": "scenery/world/traffic/trafficBoats.bgl",
"size": 1716075,
"date": 132387798760000000
Remove the trafficAircraft.bgl section so that it reads
"content": [
"path": "scenery/world/traffic/fs10.AircraftTypes.csv",
"size": 4888,
"date": 132379022900000000
"path": "scenery/world/traffic/trafficBoats.bgl",
"size": 1716075,
"date": 132387798760000000
I think the reason I was having CTD without changing the layout.json and having the aigoff extension was that msfs was looking for the stock file (without the aigoff extension) and unable to find it. Editing out the section for the stock traffic file from the layout.json file should be enough to remove the stock traffic and there would be no need to change the extension at the end of the stock traffic file. Doing it the other way leaves MSFS still looking for that file that is no longer there since it was renamed and could cause CTD.
Posted this over on the AIG forums, it’s the breakdown of how to get GA in the game with AIG injected Airliner traffic.
Get the download at Offline AI Traffic - Stock Traffic BGL Fix for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS
Install the “offline_ai_traffic_ga_fixed” traffic folder/files from the mod download into your community folder (Do not install the “offline_ai_traffic_airliner_fixed”).
Locate the layout.json in your fs-base-ai-traffic folder inside the official folder and replace it with the layout.json file from the download’s official section. Note: if you don’t do this then stock traffic (including stock airliner) will still show up or, if you allowed aig to change the stock traffic file name, you will get CTDs. Changing the layout.json with the one from the download fixes both issues.
Don’t worry about anything else from the download, you only need those two things.
In MSFS options turn offline traffic on. It must be on for the GA to show up.
The above removes the stock MSFS airliner traffic while adding back in the GA traffic. This allows AIG injected to handle the airliners while the mod adds back the GA. The traffic slider in MSFS controls the amount of GA traffic while the Traffic Slider in AIG-TC controls the AIG Airliner traffic amount. Note that the mod includes 3 layout.json files in the official section (one is a back-up of the stock msfs one if you want to go back). Only use the one actually named “layout.json”.
is there a way to have GA offline traffic mixed with Real-time traffic?
MSFS provides the realtime traffic. So it should provide GA itself also. AIG only matches the liveries to the airliners in the case of realtime traffic afaik.
Thats not what i asked 
I know that RT traffic is done by msfs.
rarely you get GA traffic, hence my question to have offline GA while having the rest live
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As far as I know, you can’t combine realtime and offline traffic.
Hey PhantomStreak, I see you are using FS Flightcontrol. How is it and how does it compare to Littlenavmap which is of course free? Thanks.
I only tried LNM in it’s early stages so can’t really compare it with FS-FlightControl which I’ve used for quite some time (with FSX and FSW before MSFS). I think each currently has some features the other doesn’t.
FS-FlightControl is a little on the expensive side for the initial purchase, but renewals are reasonable. Renewals aren’t mandatory but just let you continue to receive new versions. It’s a very capable program but if I didn’t already have it I think I’d give LNM a very thorough testing to see if it fit my needs before shelling out for FSFC.
I’ve been told SU8 changes the layout.json file and so you must apply the mod’s layout.json again after SU8 to avoid CTDs.
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Hi thanks for all your information, i must say that I didn’t experience a ctd with the aig adjusted json file yet (aprox 6 hours). Besides that i was wondering what your GA slider is set on?
I’ve left it at 100%, but have been debating dropping it to 50%.
EDIT: I have dropped it to 50% and it seems much more appropriate there.
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thanks, i had it on 25 but i felt like it was an overload of GA’s alrdy.