Adjustable Projection Type and Field Of View would be highly beneficial for Widescreens and Curved Monitors

It is not on any lists because the original issue was diluted down. They merged the original complaint with multi-screen facilitation. So now you have people who simply do not know their original vote has been tick-boxed as complete. There has also been multiple versions of this request, which in turn has diluted it down again.
This post: Adjustable Projection Type and Field Of View would be highly beneficial for Widescreens and Curved Monitors - #76 by PlatosCave4408

This does not include the original post that was merged from two separate posts , and are now tick-boxed as complete. This had a vote count in the hundreds.

As for not likely to be fixed, you are 100% correct. Unless people complain that it is an issue.

Graphically MSFS is more accurate than X-plane 12 due to the nature of how they build the world in the game. X-plane 12 wins for me though, because does have a working FOV setting. It continuously amazes me why Asobo does not implement, what is. a basic feature in other games.