It is not on any lists because the original issue was diluted down. They merged the original complaint with multi-screen facilitation. So now you have people who simply do not know their original vote has been tick-boxed as complete. There has also been multiple versions of this request, which in turn has diluted it down again.
This post: Adjustable Projection Type and Field Of View would be highly beneficial for Widescreens and Curved Monitors - #76 by PlatosCave4408
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Back in the day with Pascal based graphics cards nVIDIA implemented a technology called SMP or Simultaneous Multi-Projection. That technology allows you to have angled multi-monitor setups without any distortion without the traditional performance degradation!
That technology - since VR entered the game too - got improved and is still available with Turing but also the latest Ampere based graphics cards.
I don’t know about AMD graphics cards but I assume they have something s…
I’ve been using 3 monitors for the past 15 years with no stretch problems whatsoever. Reason: MATROX Triple Head to Go. It costs about £200,00 but I tell you, it’s well worth the money. When you think of how much we spend on CPUs and GPUs it’s not too bad. I just paid £1750.00 for an RTX3090 GPU.
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Back in the day with Pascal based graphics cards nVIDIA implemented a technology called SMP or Simultaneous Multi-Projection. That technology allows you to have angled multi-monitor setups without any distortion without the traditional performance degradation!
That technology - since VR entered the game too - got improved and is still available with Turing but also the latest Ampere based graphics cards.
I don’t know about AMD graphics cards but I assume they have something s…
This does not include the original post that was merged from two separate posts , and are now tick-boxed as complete. This had a vote count in the hundreds.
As for not likely to be fixed, you are 100% correct. Unless people complain that it is an issue.
Graphically MSFS is more accurate than X-plane 12 due to the nature of how they build the world in the game. X-plane 12 wins for me though, because does have a working FOV setting. It continuously amazes me why Asobo does not implement, what is. a basic feature in other games.