I request this soooo often, but the devs dont care about the request of PC/Homecockpit Builders
It is not only for cockpit builders, but for everyone with multiple monitor configurations.
Is say "Asobo help us, please…!"
We just have to get people to “Vote” using their silly mechanic to get it looked at. (Not a big fan of that system)
Would love to see more monitor control options. I run with two wide screen 1080p monitors, one on top of the other.
yes for sure.
I am not sure why the devs did not read or not understand that we really need that ??
Voted…@all…pls vote
177 Votes until now…lets get more pls
If only I could vote more than once
This topic is buried. It was merged with the multi-screen function, and as such it is listed as fixed.
I really do not think that Asobo has the means to implement this. It will be the first thing I will be looking for in the next version of MSFS. I have wrote this version off as a loss for my ultra wide screen. I have no intention of playing in half windows.
Asobo has no intention to fix the problems we have with multiscreen or widescreen functionality.
Because Asobo said that it is fixed and implemented.
nothing is fixed. the silly offcenter visual distortion is huge and kicking as usual
And it will not been fixed in the near future.
One wonders how long it will take them. It is one of the most pressing unresolved issues in a flightsim.
Yes, we all know it was always like that in the past. Rectilinear projection. But screens were also much smaller in the first decades of msfs.
Now… ultra widescreens are a new reality today… and unusable in msfs. The visual distortion, objects on the side of screens seem much bigger than in the center, is the total immersion and realism killer.
Today‘s graphics cards easily have the power to do the additional rendering of a projection that is not rectilinear, e.g. barrel projection.
Come on Asobo, go with the times!
Wondering if the reason they don‘t touch this is Xbox compatibility.
It need to operate in 3 dimensions both through Rotation and Translation. This to me is the first step before looking at removable panels etc.
Does Asobo have any intention in updating this?
It’s not a team, because it one person that developed the app. I think the problems to get it right for MSFS are to big. The MSFS SDK has to many black holes.
A perspective rendering would be applied at the output of the graphic stream. It‘s comparable to DLSS rendering.
It is not particularly complicated, as long as the hardware resources are sufficient.
In DLSS rendering, the core graphic engine first renders the picture with all effects etc. for a smaller screen resolution than the actual screen resolution for each frame. That will then be extrapolated to the actual screen size.
Now with a projection rendering, instead the picture with all effects etc. needs to be rendered with a LARGER screen resolution than the actual screen resolution. Then the computation is done for each frame to render the new projection.
It‘s not rocket science, and today‘s graphic cards have more than sufficient power to handle the overhead needed for this,
It would make a decisive difference.
Like DLSS it could be offered as an option, so those on older hardware do not suffer performance losses.
But Asobo do not seem to be reasonable about such things. Don‘t know how they tick. We hardly get feedback about how they see this, or if they see the huge problem at all.
Only acting based by vote numbers is not the best solution. Like in democracy, if you only go by the votes of the masses, you end up with tyranny of the masses.
I am pleased to see someone else has the same opinion about this as I do. MSFS is the only game I do not play due to the very evident distortion. I would love to see a fix. In fact, I only come to this forum to see if a fix is likely.
It is not on the priority list and therefore not likely fixed by Asobo on a short therm.
It is not on any lists because the original issue was diluted down. They merged the original complaint with multi-screen facilitation. So now you have people who simply do not know their original vote has been tick-boxed as complete. There has also been multiple versions of this request, which in turn has diluted it down again.
This post: Adjustable Projection Type and Field Of View would be highly beneficial for Widescreens and Curved Monitors - #76 by PlatosCave4408
This does not include the original post that was merged from two separate posts , and are now tick-boxed as complete. This had a vote count in the hundreds.
As for not likely to be fixed, you are 100% correct. Unless people complain that it is an issue.
Graphically MSFS is more accurate than X-plane 12 due to the nature of how they build the world in the game. X-plane 12 wins for me though, because does have a working FOV setting. It continuously amazes me why Asobo does not implement, what is. a basic feature in other games.
The pincushinoning thread, as a minimum, should have combined with this one to start giving the appropriate visibility to this issue. Who made the decision to close that one?
The original thread was closed by forum admin under the guise of something that is fixed. There is never any consultation with an implemented fix. The validity of the fix is at the sole discretion of Asobo AFAIK.