Adjustable Projection Type and Field Of View would be highly beneficial for Widescreens and Curved Monitors

Really? Ok, have fun then.

Even in the experimental version of multi screens it breaks out into multiple 16:9


Can’t believe that the developers don’t care to support 32:9 ratio, and its very sad there is no option to adjust properly the FOV.
It is also hard to imagine that only few players around the world try to play this simulator with UW monitors? So why there is only 22 votes on this topic. We should boost it somehow!


I create some post in social media at local MFS2020 groups on my native language (Hungarian), where I tried to draw the attention of the sim-mates to this problem, and aske them to help us with a vote on this topic.
If you can do the same, maybe we can get more votes and on the next update maybe will something chage.
Fingers cross! :slight_smile:


As an owner of a 32:9 monitor, I would like to see a correct POV option. Preferably one that even accounted for curved monitors.


Wide screen fix was said to be coming in SU10 (Dec 21 update). Now it is not even listed as an issue anymore. Fixing multi-screen does not help wide screen. Can we have a FOV adjustment to stop the game looking like a fishbowl.


Even an extra setting like Monitor angle would help.
Fixed values like 0 - 22,5 - 45 - 67.5 - 90
As a starting point. Now we only have 45 as default.
And with current sliders one could finetune it.

Many people do not have their multimonitor setup in a 45-60 degree angle between each monitor.
Not everyone has the space to put (larger) displays in a 45 degree angle.
Some have them placed at a smaller angle and others at a wider angle

Myself I have the 2 monitors placed at a 20 degree angle and need a zoom of 0.80 to not have bent backwards buildings at the outer side(s).
That gives the issue that flying at 5000 ft looks like flying at 3000 ft

So with a few clickable prest values + current sliders we could do very well.

Simple as that if Asobo does not want to give us a compleet frustum config.

Hello everyone,

i support the opinion for better multiview! This is something but nothing and actually just a tinkering by Asobo. Is watching P3D and X Palne so difficult?

And listen to Fly Elise, they know exactly what we need and you already have this information from Fly Elise.

You should finally have a decent simconnet too! It’s a joke what’s missing in the Simconnect.

Best regards

Please keep multi monitor and ultra-wide issues separate. They have been merged as a single issue since the first post. Mainly because the fix is similar. Asobo are posting that multi-screen is fixed, while ignoring that many posted to ask for a fix for ultra-wide also within the same post. Ultra-wide is most definitely not fixed. There is an option there for multi-screen set ups within experimental options.


Absolutely agree that the ViewGroups concept, with defined frustrums as put forward by FlyElise are just what we require. I really can’t see how that could be so hard - or are Asobo inclined not to attempt it because of the already demonstrated low FPS issues with their current multiscreen?
Please don’t think that because you have 3 monitors angled together at the moment that this is perfect MultiScreen. It simply isn’t, and won’t be until individual frustrums are defined and used.
So disappointed that the latest blog shows MultiScreen as ‘Fixed”.
For months now (actually years!) every time the DEVs are asked about this in the Q&A they pretend their microphone isn’t working or change the subject to some arcane discussion about propellor physics

Please be honest about this, even if it’s only an acknowledgement that many customers are asking

I am inclined to agree that the fix should not be such a chore to get implemented, and yet here we are at least 18 months after the first utterance of this with no fix in sight. All the votes added to the original post were sucked up into multi monitor issues. As far as Asobo is concerned there is no wide screen issue at all.

People with wide screen issues have been extremely patient. Many understand budget constraints Vs income issues. But to see that wide screen is an issue that just never existed is galling. Even this post has been shunted into the multi monitor section in the hopes of burying something that is listed as fixed.

I uninstalled MSFS, and I am looking towards to Xplane 12. I am sincerely hoping that the many hours it takes to reinstall will deter me from looking in this direction again.

The fix is actually completely different and unrelated:

Multi-monitor needs a separate rendering for each monitor, with different frustums.

Ultra-wide needs a conversion from the rectangular projection used for rendering to something more cylindrical to handle how people sit farther back from their monitors and have a wide FOV, creating inherent distortion in the rendering.


The edges are stretched because that’s what happens with a wide, flat rendering frustum. When you have an ultrawide monitor zoomed out enough to see the instrument panel, the edges will be very stretched. If you stick your face close enough to the monitor so that your field of view matches what’s shown, the edges will look correct.


wow this thread went off-piste real fast with people thinking MSFS was distorting the picture. bTdWolf nailed it as well as is possible in one para I think.

For a curved monitor it’s a whole new kettle of worms as no flat projection is going to make sense there and curved monitors are nowhere near a cylinder (more like a rounded V). I reckon the best solution there is to use multi-monitor support and have 3 windows open on the one screen.

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Better use 3 monitors instead of a widescreen.
Widescreens are not supported, have stretching on the sides and i think it will take a long time before Asobo will do something about it. I personaly use 3x MSI Optix G251F 24" 165Hz 1920x1080 monitors.
This 3 monitors are cheaper than one good widescreen monitor and the change to get ride of the stretching is bigger. I ordered a AOC AG493QCX 49"/3840x1080/VA/144Hz/Curved monitor and send it back in a few days, because of the stretching. I switched over to the 3x MSI Optix G251F. The 3 together are cheaper, have a bigger view then with the widescreen monitor and with multiview there is no stretching.

agree 100%. MSFS multi-screen support has been a total game-changer for me. You still get the same apparent ‘distortion’ of a flat projection on each screen but that is divided into 3 16:9 screens and that is MUCH less noticeable. After a lot of farting around you can get the 3 screens to join up at the right angles with the desired eyepoint and ‘zoom’ and from then on it’s surprisingly good. Unsurprisingly it needs a beefy GPU though.
The basic technique for the screen alignment (it’s tedious) is to get the settings close with linear features on the ground lining up, and then fly watching ground objects (like the edges of trees) disappear and reappear behind your bezels until everything feels natural. From that point you can rotate your view around in the cockpit and everything stays synced up, but generally you can fly WITHOUT moving your views because you have such a large combined FoV anyway. I need to move the view to see the lower instruments, or I’m banked in a landing pattern and want to see the airport which involves looking sideways and UP. Maybe one day I’ll have 6 screens in an igloo.

It didn’t state that anywhere when I bought and installed the game/sim. (and a 500€ 3440x1440 screen exclusively for it)
(ultra) wide screens are a reality. and with the right 3D image processing by the software programmers they should be ideal for immersive sims.

The minimum this sim needs is a FOV guided setup process, where the user inputs their screen width, eye distance to middle of monitor, monitor curve radius (if applicable), and the sim calculates the real world FOV equivalent zoom default setting for the cockpit camera.

Anybody trying to fly VFR in this sim really needs that. Otherwise try flying in the real world while looking through a fisheye wide angle lense. Good luck and R.I.P. :see_no_evil::boom::coffin:

The next necessary step for Asobo, after FOV real world alignment, is remapping the 3D projection toward a more cylindrical projection.
Until then VFR flyers beware, only take for “real” the perceived, shape, distance and height of outside objects when they are in your screen center. Think like somebody is forcing you to use inverted binoculars, it’s a challenge :rofl: It includes miracles like seeing the runway to the left on base leg quite close, but after turning toward the runway and now on final the runway has moved AWAY from you. These are the joys of flying in MSFS’s (not so) parallel geometrical universe.


So i said, the sim does not support widescreens as it should be.


This has been addressed before, so far without followup.
Please find a way to remove the drastic visual distortion (pincushion distortion) on ultrawide screens. A runway in the distance looks twice as big on the side of the screen as in the middle. So does any aircraft part. It’s disturbing, looks ugly, and kills the sense of immersion, if it looks like one is always looking through an extreme wide angle (fisheye) lens. VFR flying, e.g. looking at the runway to the side on base leg, looks unrealistic and trains the brain in wrong ways.


Lots of users that have a multi monitor setup want better visuals, but Asobo has no plans to implement that in the near future. So we have to wait for Asobo to realise that the current system is a travesty. :yawning_face: