Advice on How to Improve Performance on my PC Requested

Hi, call me Brad. I have private pilot license but stopped flying sometime ago, old age. I am now planning to get Flight Simulator since i miss the feeling of flying. I tried installing it on my PC, I7 13700, 16 GB ram, intel UHD graphics 770. Typical dell inspiron configuration. Tried to use simulator using game pass, failed miserably. Graphics failed, received messages bandwitdh too slow, i have 100, very sluggish startup then crash. i’m guessing my PC is just not configured for this. don’t really want to buy a new just for simulator, any suggeations what the problem might be?

Hi @UpscaleHoney836 & welcome to the forums! :slightly_smiling_face:

I have moved your post into the User Support Hub so that other users can assist you.

Is your on-board Intel UHD graphics 770 the only graphics device in the PC? The UHD 770 basically uses some of the computer’s RAM as VRAM. This type of configuration won’t work for a game like MSFS (2020 or 2024), which requires a dedicated graphics card.

If a PCIE slot is available on the Dell Inspiration, and the power supply unit (PSU) has the capacity, adding a graphics card like the AMD RX 7900 XT or XTX, or one of the newer NVidia cards; plus replacing your RAM with either 2 x 16 GB or 2 x 32 GB modules may allow you to run MSFS without purchasing a new PC.

If you could provide a full set of specs for the PC, that would help. In the Start, type “System Information” in the search box & click to run the windows app:

And then in the app, choose edit-select all to highlight all the items under System Summary, then edit-copy, and paste the results in this topic. Then do the same for Display & then the same for Storage-Drives. Finally, see if the documentation for the PC provides information on the PSU - we need to see if it can handle the power requirements of a new graphics card (and has appropriate connectors that can be connected to it)

Hope this helps,
The Volunteer Moderator Team

Hang in there. I am a retired pilot and the system works but you need the hardware suggested to get there…

Thanx for the help. The memory add ons would be around $400 and graphics is 380. Little pricey. Question, would it be simpler just to get Xbox x ,

Hi @UpscaleHoney836,

My Personal Comment & Observation

Purchasing an Xbox is certainly the simpler & less expensive option than purchasing or upgrading a new PC, but there are many posts on this forum about poor performance and other issues with MSFS on the Xbox - especially with MSFS 2024.

Please be sure to read them before making any decisions.

Perhaps, what kind of flying do you want to do? An Xbox can be an 80% solution if one’s needs and expectations are within what an Xbox can deliver, experience-wise. I have 1,100 hours on Series X and just last week bought a PC. While I can say that the PC delivers the last 20%, I was, and still am very impressed with the kind of flying I did on my Series X. What are you looking forward to flying?

I was using an Alienware laptop for FS2020. This allowed me to add mods and change a bunch of configuration settings. This can’t be done on an Xbox. While FS2024 ran ok on my laptop it wasn’t the performance I wanted so I knew I had to do something.

I thought about getting an Xbox vs a PC due to the lower cost of an Xbox. But I kept thinking about some of the freeware mods I would miss and and a whole lot of other things one can’t do with an Xbox.

I ended up buying an Alienware R16 and I financed it through Dell. I have no regrets and I would give purchasing an Xbox vs a PC or spending money on PC upgrades a lot of thought.

Also as Smothery posted above there are issues with Xbox but there are also issues with PC but I don’t think as severe. And some of the PC issues can be resolved with mods and config tweaks.

Either way the sim is in its infancy and will be for some time to come.

Hey Brad, Given your setup, the main issue is your Intel UHD Graphics 770—it’s an integrated GPU, not really meant for gaming. MSFS 2024 is going to require a dedicated GPU.

Ah, yes - thank you for referencing my post there!

I should add that performance on Xbox is down to the lack of optimisation and inconsistent server performance. It’s not really a hardware issue. The latest beta has somewhat improved visuals and performance but we’re still a long way away from calling this game a truly “current gen Xbox title”.

Just look at MSFS '20 - in comparison, it’s practically flawless.

You need a powerful Graphics card to run MSFS, not an onboard one.

Thanx for the input. Money is an issue for me, retired and not exactly on easy street. I looked at XBOX online but not too happy with content. Using Flight Simulator i figured would keep the old brain cells sharp and provide hours of challenge for something I wanted to pursue in my early years. Anyway, i’ll keep looking, but as many have said, a good PC specs will be necessary so will likely plan to take the plunge in a few weeks. Thanx all.

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Not sure what memory your PC needs, but nowadays 32 GB should be well under $100, if DDR4 you can get them for around $50.

On the graphics card you’ll likely have to spend $300-$400, older models work fine if you don’t want VR.

Get an intel arc graphics card. Cheap and does the job. However, unless you go for something like xplane you’re also going to need more ram. The previous version of xplane only requires 8gb of ram, so that will let you get started flying on the cheap.

Next year, add more ram and go to xplane 12. Or msfs 2000.

Another point to consider is the monitor you currently have, and the display resolution you desire. Not surprisingly, larger monitors / TVs and higher display resolutions require more powerful graphics cards.

I have an Intel Arc 770 which I purchased a few years ago. It has 16GB VRAM, which I’d consider a minimum amount for MSFS 2024 & highly recommend for MSFS 2020.

It worked very well with MSFS 2020 on my two 32" TV monitors @ 1080p (1360 x 768). I then purchased a 55" 4K TV, and performance at 4K (3840 x 2160) with most settings on Ultra was pretty good too (especially after SU15 was released).

MSFS 2024 is much more demanding on graphics cards. The 770 cannot handle 4K (3840 x 2160) on my 55" TV at all - I’ve had to drop the resolution to 2496 x 1404 & reduce many settings from Ultra to high or medium. So I’d not recommend it for that display configuration, but it would probably be OK for a smaller monitor / TV @ 1080p (1360 x 768).

Its power consumption is relatively modest - 190W when running MSFS, so your current PSU might be able to handle the additional load.

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Even to fly MSFS2020 demands better graphics card. Starting with that version would need much less money/hardware and power consumption. And still a great experience.

Before purchasing a graphics card and RAM you must check the exact model of your power supply and motherboard. The PC case model is also important - for example, if you have a smaller case, you won’t be able to install a large graphics card.

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@UpscaleHoney836 ,
Following on from @TenPatrol 's advice, once you have made your decision, I’d suggest posting the details of what you plan to purchase and (if upgrading) your PC specs (as I mentioned in post #2). If you plan to purchase a new PC, post the details of that instead.

There are many on this forum that are willing to review & provide advice on whether the components are compatible or incompatible with your PC, or if the proposed new PC will be suitable for MSFS.

I’ve been thinking about this from Dell.

13th Gen Intel® Core™ i9-13900HX, 24 cores
Windows 11 Home
NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4060
32 GB DDR5
15.6-in. display Full HD (1920X1080) 165Hz

Price in Canada is $1500 cdn. I have been planning upgrade to my older laptop so this might kill two birds.

Hi @UpscaleHoney836
Can you provide the name of the model and, if possible, a link to the webpage for it? - Thanks!

I would suggest comparing prices and specs of Asus laptops at Best Buy.

I got an awesome deal on an Alienware R16 from Dell so if you buy from Dell make sure you are getting a good deal with the sales price. And consider Dell credits…if you can use them for something.

Finally, laptops can’t compete with desktops.