Aerial ground tiles changing/popping in

The alps are plagued with this…


Nothing to do with either of those things, I have the problem and I have never installed any map enhancement and I’ve never used rolling or manual cache.


Spain, Canary Islands- almost now everywhere in Europe- I have those tile popping changes in flight. very annoying bug


what the heck, can you please finally fix this annoying huge bug- thank you!


Anyone beta testing SU14, is the issue still present? Thanks.

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Yes it is


Asobo, please!!!


Just downloaded the new Palm Spings and the surrounding area in a flight to Las Vegas was popping and a mess so it is spreading far and wide


certainly looks like it. To this day Asobo never even mentioned the bug anywhere so it’s clear that they simply continue to ignore it.
And there’s nothing we can do to change this, since we already bought the sim. And nothing we can do to at least get Asobo to tell us that they won’t fix.

What a shame.
I do wonder why this does not have 10 times the votes though, how can people simply ignore this?


I suspect Asobo are relying on the Microsoft Bing Maps team to serve them the LOD tiles, and the users viewing Satellite Image maps always display the entire map at a common tile size which only changes when they zoom in/out the entire map. So Bing Map users never see a mix of map tiles LODs and the Bing Maps team see it as less of an issue.

The current issue arises because the low-resolution tiles obviously aren’t derived from the high-resolution tiles, they’re just random (in time) photos taken from a different lower-resolution source some time in the past. These tiles have ZERO chance of lining up with the higher-resolution tiles.

So the question is who’s job is it to build the map tiles? Is that Asobo or the Bing Maps team?

Asobo must be stuck with the awkward choice of displaying higher resolution textures which obviously don’t match the next LOD up, or disabling higher LOD tiles where they don’t match.

IMHO better than nothing would be a textures max LOD setting that could prevent the pop-in at the cost of blurrier close-up textures.


Which backs up the assertion it’s not a client side issue, but the data being presented.


Add to this the fact that this tile popping issue is greatly increasing over the last few weeks compared to e.g. two years ago. My hometown is completely unusable due this and this was not an issue some two, three months ago. So it must be something server side, as no update can be linked to the sudden increase in frequency here.

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I wonder if the satellite imagery is being updated? I could see that making things worse until enough tiles are updated that it starts looking right again.

Yeah, since about when AccuSeasons was released.

In every country I have this annoying tile popping issue. Why don‘t you hear to your customers & ignore this sim breaking issue? This is unacceptable!


so complete silent till now on this issue - what’s happening?


For fs 2020 if its not market place then its not an emergency

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It would be great to hear something about this issue in the next dev live stream at the end of the month. Thanks !


True, especially since the possibility to formulate questions for the Q&A in the forums based on votes was abandondend several Q&As ago (another misery in customer relations tbh…).


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