Aerial ground tiles changing/popping in

Sorry if I did it wrong. Understood why my post was removed.

Is there a workarround to this problem ?


Non that seem to work.

There are a few locations that are free of this bug. Just flown from Kathmandu to Paro, skirting the big peaks at 16,000 ft in the DC-3…great flight with no popping :slight_smile:
…but sadly in most other places I normally fly it’s unbearably bad :frowning:

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I did not encounter this issue until after the Update 13 (1.34.160) was installed. I have had pretty flawless flights since Update 5 so this is now quite a bummer. While my flights still run without stutters and look good I too am seeing problems with the terrain tiling. I get the low resolution tiles on the World Map at regular intervals globally. And while flying I get low res tiles popping up and some times changing a lot all around me. This happens no matter where I decide to fly globally as I have tried many locations. It gets particularly bad over urban and farm country, but happens over wilderness too.
I have cleared my caches, rolling cache, Nvidia, etc., am using Bing and Photogrametry, my rolling cache is 20 Gb and have Data set at umlimited as I have a very high speed fiber connection average of 350-400 Mbps. I have been clearing the caches after every flight, closing the Sim and restarting but that does not have any effect.
I am convinced this is Bing related or MSFS server related as it seems to be related to the World map CTD issues that others have been reporting since the last update.

I hope someone (the devs?) can figure this out as it is a bit annoying.

Here’s a couple of screenshots:

While it is nice that the thread is kept clean and according to CoC it would also be nice if someone could figure out how to draw devs. attention on this game breaking issue.
We did our part and reported as requested and have nearly 500 votes by now, still there is no respond but notes to stick to the forum rules.
Has this been done? Has there been any response? Aerial ground tiles changing/popping in - #715 by Jummivana


This item is marked Under Investigation on the Feedback Snapshot and I can confirm it is indeed under active investigation. It is very high on the report and Asobo is very aware of the number of votes and all the conversation in this thread. I do not have an update beyond that at this time, apologies.


Thank you. So many of the bug posts on this forum are deserving of such a reply at the very least.


It’s good to hear that this is under active investigation. Hopefully the dev team can address this one with a bit more detail in the upcoming live dev stream.


after 2 years- respect

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I bet a fortune that sooner or later this will also get the “improved MSFS 2024” tag, just as they did in the Nov 9th dev update with the DX12 issue regarding ground tiles on airports…


This might be useful to request information on this bug…

I see your sense of humour is firing on all cyclinders today :rofl:


It can’t be to do with server traffic, as I was in a very remote area near UHPA airport. It is unlikely that anyone else was streaming data from this area of the world - if so only a handful I’d have thought.

I noticed it was very bad on landing, so went back with the drone cam.

Come on Asobo - on what level is this even close to acceptable!?

Forgive the YT link - too big a file for the forum apparently.


Some areas are worse than others. I think the worst are where the area is prone to large changes in seasonal weather. If one dataset shows snow, and the other doesn’t, then it will look worse than an area where the grass changes colour slightly.


I test for bravoairspace and test all products using default and 3rd party airports as we know our customers will be using them


Hold on - just tested LFNA Gap - used to be a problem area (like a lots of the alps) - and it’s back to normal - or certainly was in a test flight this…anyone else seen any improvement or was I just ‘lucky’.

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Andy chance you could try EGNS airport and the surrounding area? That’s been a problem area consistently since the day the sim launched. Especially as the ground turns neon green! If that works for you, I will be totally amazed as I haven’t done a single flight there since the sim launched without the tiles popping. Strange colors popping Bing data graphics Isle of Man

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Well. EGNS looks OK. Interestingly - and I’ve not had this before. When I go to any of my usual ‘problem’ areas, initially it looked like the scenery had trouble loading, but a restart of the session and all was fine. I’ve deleted my rolling cache (which i’ve done many times before) to see if that helps, but the problem appears to be gone. But I’d like to see if others have a similar experience…

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still an issue over a year later… :frowning:
as one of msfs’ core features, I don’t get why they’re not fixing this.


What a mess…


Where are you flying there?