Aerial Simulations F-117

Another Sunday night, another update. But this week there isn’t much to say, I wrote the user guide, fixed a few bugs and tuned the autopilot a little more. Unfortunately, my day job has been taking much of my time which has slowed down progress a bit. However, I do have one good piece of news.

It’s been submitted to the marketplace!

That means that all going well, it should be available within the next 5 weeks. In that time I will making a trailer, working on other weapons for other markets and hopefully another couple of features if I can manage to pull them off.

Head over to the discord at Aerial Simulations if you want to get a copy of the user guide.

I’ll leave you with a few screens.


Wow, what a milestone! Congrats!!

Do you have any plans to sell via any other vendors?

If so will those versions have any extras (cough cough; bombs)?

Says right there, weapons and other markets

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Doh, morning blindness :slight_smile:

What about this main screen? Is it working or its only placeholder of TV screen? I’ll buy it even if it isnt working of course but its a „nice to have” feature. I can wait a little more also if you need a time to do it. Pls think about it too :slight_smile: . It could bring the model to the next realism level.

btw. does the HUD have collimated effect?

WOW AerialSIm…!! Already SUbmitted to the MarketPlace…!!!
That’s way more good news than we could reasonably hoped for!

The new images are as usual, Excellent! The #10 Desert Image, with ladder down.
Looks like Holloman AFB as well. :))

Now we can go Shake the Marketplace Tree!!

Thanks for all your efforts to date! Much appreciated…

Nice pics, great job getting it to the Marketplace, even though I’m getting the other version, where’d the C-130’s in the background on that last pic come from ??

Aerial Simulations has been testing the upcoming NZA Simulations - NZCH Christchurch and has permission to use it for promo.


So this: [Released!] NZCH - Christchurch, New Zealand | NZA Simulations :slight_smile:


you got it

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Thank you sir, looks good as well.

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Not yet and yes as its just the F18 hud.


Thx for reply! :slight_smile:

Question about the avionics suite, is it copy pasted from the stock super hornet? AKA missing most all of its pages, or has it been improved upon with the addition of more screens?

No improvements, just the default F18 panels. The second I figure out how to make HTML gauges that will probably change though. But first on the list would be a FLIR/DLIR screen.


Good to see that you are committed to improving the product. Too many abandonware jets in the sim these days.

great seeing how much progress has been made on this, looking forward to the marketplace release which I hope will include xbox!

Is there any plans in the future to include the older steam gauge variant?

although no clue what the missing instruments are, my guess removed for classified reasons.

Really looking forward to seeing how far you take this aircraft after release as you learn more as a developer and the sim both on console and PC becomes much more capable for more advanced functions!

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That cockpit is in one of the first F-117 prototypes produced, which was used for testing. It is currently on display in the USAF Museum. The production jets always had three screens.


Another week closer to the release of the F-117! I’ve spent most of this week shooting the trailer and making some minor changes to the F-117 before it’s out. Apart from that, there isn’t much else to say, just maybe show a quick shot from the trailer :wink:


Thx for info about update :slight_smile: Btw. did you test it in Beta SU10? As I know they changed fuel system and some models have a problem from now (they need a fix from developer side).